POLA White Shot Inner Lock Liquid IX Drink 30 ml x 10 Bottles is a skin beauty drink - quick acting care from the inside.
Beauty drink is patentet as a heath food and contains a proper balance of BrannolĀ® L, an original ingredients of POLA, AMLA extract, Safflower Q, etc. It is a beauty drink which will suffuse your skin with translucency.

-Clear Citrus Flavor

-Caffeine free

-Can be cosumed at room temperature


Erythritol, fructose corn sugar liquid sugar, Amulea extract, ginger extract, safflower extract, Indian quince extract, yellow leaf extract, vitamin C, vitamin E, fragrance, cyclodextrin, acidulant, caramel pigment, hyaluronic acid

Please note: This product should not be consumed by people with food allergies. Also there are rare cases in which the product may not be suitable for your bodily constitution or condition. In such cases do not consume the product.

How to Use:
1 bottle a day, recommended in the morning.

Volume:  30 ml x 10 bottles (for 10 days)
Expiration Date: always fresh