Brand spanking new item from reputable UK company with 35 years� experience in retail and over 1 million eBay items sold and counting! Please note not all our new items are shrink-wrapped.

I. The Cleansing Of The Promised Land0:00
II. The Awakening0:00
III. Disturbance In The Here And Now0:00
IV. The Descending Of The Nine0:00
V. The Fallen And The Chosen One0:00
VI. Beyond The Red Mirror0:00
1The Ninth Wave 9:28
2Twilight Of The Gods4:50
3Prophecies 5:26
4At The Edge Of Time 6:54
5 Ashes Of Eternity 5:39
6The Holy Grail 5:59
7The Throne 7:54
8Sacred Mind6:22
9Miracle Machine 3:03
10Grand Parade9:28