Mary Mother of God Prayer Card

An 8pg folding prayer card for use at home and travel
Fits neatly into purse, wallet & bag

In these unprecedented times with many people isolating and staying at home, as well as public church services being suspended and streamed online, one need to look after health and wellbeing for yourself and those around us including children and elderly.

Worship is being brought to us, not in a public gathering setting, but by other media forms, such as Facebook and other platforms.

It is important not to forget your spiritual self and keep God at the centre of all we do whilst we keep safe at home.

Due to this current scenario, we have had to adapt to changing times and home worship has and will become a bigger part of your spiritual lives.
With this in mind, we are able to offer a range of products and resources that may be used from home and also to follow any online worship braodcasts.

This listing is for a Mary, Mother of Mercy Prayer Card

Pope Francis invites us all to invoke Mary, our Mother, and the Mother of Mercy. Here are prayers to carry with you every day.

In Misericordiae Vultus, Pope Francis invites us all to invoke Mary, our Mother, and the Mother of Mercy, using specific and well-known prayers.
Carry these prayers with you every day on this prayer card.

This is an ideal tool to keep at home and use daily with your family, especially children. 

Size:  7.5 x 10.5cm folded  / 22 x 10.5cm opened out

Please all stay safe, think of each other, be responsible and keep Jesus in your lives at all times

May God Bless You +