This listing is for 4 pcs of Brand New Genuine OEM Bosch Fuel Injector!

Part number: 06H906036S
Alternative part numbers: 06H906036E, 06H906036G, 06H906036P, 06H906036AB
Bosch part number: 0261500571

Important: To minimize the chance of error on your side, please compare the part number above to your recent one!
If you're not 100% sure if it's the right part for your car, please send your 17-digit VIN in an eBay message before buying the part and we'll check it for you.

Express International Postage is UPS Express Saver. They deliver in 1 (recently up to 3) workdays.
Please calculate in my 2 workday dispatch time.

Our parts are brand new and genuine, but in most cases due to bulk storability they lack their original packaging.
In case of any issues please be kind to contact before acting, we'll do our best to find a solution which is suitable for everyone. Buyer satisfaction is our priority.
Because of the current circumstances we reserve the right to change your requested delivery service to a similar or faster. We do our best to check with you before we do so. Post can be slower these days, please be patient.
We mark items dispatched only when it's physically with the delivery company.
For the peace of mind returns are accepted for 14 days of purchase for replacement or refund.
Only PayPal payment is accepted. You can pay through them with your credit or debit card easily.