Harper’s Weekly – A Journal of Civilization

New York

Incredible Illustrations!

 They include news, advice, politics, short stories and some great advertising.


May 16, 1868 – George F. Sands. National Baseball Association President, Domestic Intelligence and the Impeachment of President Johnson, General Conference of the Methodist Episcopal Church in Chicago, London: A Pilgrimage, part 7, by Gustave Dore and Blanchard Jerrold, 109 Mercer Street, New York, NY, Last Sitting of the Geneva Court of Arbitration

 December 5, 1868 – The Late Baron James De Rothschild, Hoosac Tunnel, The Brewer Fountain on Boston Commons

 December 12, 1868 – Whipping Post and Pillory at New Castle, Delaware, H. Rives Pollard assassinated in Philadelphia

 March 27, 1869 – Appointments and changes to the Cabinet of Ulysses S. Grant, early illustration of Arlington National Cemetery, Illustration of Aaron Burr’s grave, Ill of Pius the Ninth, ill of Church of Saint Peter and the Vatican

 April 10, 1869 – Cuban exiles marching from the Cabana Fortress, New York State Poultry Association, Cuban Revolution

 April 24, 1869 – The Bible Women, Oxford and Cambridge University Boat Race view from Barnes Railway Bridge, Isthmus of Suez Maritime Canal

 May 22, 1869 – Jordan & Jerusalem, Inauguration of Masonic Lodge Room, Booth Room in New York, National Peace Jubilee Building, Boston, Mass, Havana Harbor Cuba, Pacific Railway Celebration in Chicago, New Chicago Tribune Building, Floating Lighthouse in Liverpool

 June 12, 1869 – A Seaman’s Burial at Sea, The Prodigal’s Return painting, Warden’s office Sing Sing, General Washington Resigning his Commission to Congress at Annapolis, Maryland, Union Pacific Railway, Cuba, Burning of the International Hotel at St. Paul Minnesota

 March 26, 1870 – Captain Williams and The Oneida, Congress and Cuba, Trains leaving for Colorado, Scenes of the Mississippi River, Interior of a Male Prison

 September 10, 1870 – Illustrations of Weissenburg and Saarbruck, the Battle of Gravelotte story and two page illustration, Napoleon ruse ill.

 November 30, 1872 – Boston Firefighters and the Boston Fire, Map of Boston showing the entire burned area, WOW!!!



These are original papers.  They are torn.  They are not complete in many cases.  They are very fragile.

They are 150 YEAR’S OLD!!!

Please bid knowing this.  They are an incredible find!

The information, articles, illustrations are engulfing.  It is a pure joy to read.

A peek back in time to see how things were going.

I have several others listed, please check my store for the others. 

If there is something you are looking for particularly, please feel free to message me and I will do my best to check, but please don’t wait until the last minute.  It may take me 24 hours to get back to you.