You can put a request if you don't see anything that you need in the listing. I will try my best :)

I will access your Jurassic World and add the following:

                          CHOOSE ONE 
99,999,999 B DNA + Unlock Max Level SALAMANDER 16
99,999,999 B DNA + Unlock Max Level  VALKYRIE 77
99,999,999 B DNA + Unlock Max Level OMEGA 09
99,999,999 B DNA + Unlock Max Level  JUGGERNAUT 32

Please check:
- You must have B-DNA/Boss Mission Available.
- The B-DNA is available in your game to make sure you are able receive the B-DNA.
- If you already have Omega 09 added to your park, I can only add the B-DNA and Max out her Level.
  This is due to the game only allow one Omega 09. Same rules apply to other BOSS CREATURES.
- To choose Valkyrie 77 you must have 2 BOSS creatures already in your game.
- To choose Salamander 16 you must have 3 BOSS creature + 1 Diplotator Level 31 above + 1 Ichthyostega Level 31 above in your game.

Facebook Log in ID and password are required.

Make sure your game account is linked to your Facebook.

Please put these details in the Message to Seller at the checkout screen before you pay.

It does not work with Sign in with Apple or Sign in with Google Play.

I will update your park as soon as possible.

Usually within 2 hours between the hours of 8am - 10pm GMT

Please note - 99,999,999 is the maximum number for the game resources, it is set by the Game not by me. If you have remaining resources it will be included into the 99,999,999 resources, it will not go above 99,999,999.

Please note - this is a modification of your game data and it works I have many satisfied customers. Modifying the game data is against the terms of use by the game developer and might result in being banned. I cannot be held responsible should anything happen to your game in the future. Please think before you buy. By purchasing this item you are agreeing to these terms and there will be no refund.

The product is in digital data format and is non-returnable and non-refundable, unless the data is unable to deliver to your game. Under special circumstances if a refund needs to be created, the refund amount will be minus Ebay plus Paypal fees incurred to seller. Hope you understand.