FootWave ACU Matte und Kissen für die Akupressur 42x66 Rehabilitation Akupunktur

Manufacturer: FootWave / Product code: FootWave ACU


FootWave™ ACU

Restore harmony of your body and mind with this FootWave™ ACU acupressure mat that is based on sensorimotor, proprioception and reflexology knowledge. Ergonomic spikes help improve the blood flow and relax muscles. Half-roll, perfectly adapts to high curvature areas around the neck and loins stimulates that areas. Acupuncture mats are perfect for meditation allowing spikes to penetrate muscles for deep relaxation and stress relief.


By stimulating points on the body with specially contoured spikes, it stimulates the nerve endings, thanks to which the circulation and supply of oxygenated blood to the stressed tissues increases. This massage increases immunity by stimulating the body's natural defenses against pressure points, removes muscle tension, and helps to reduce stress. It helps to relieve pain of various origins, shortens the recovery period, promotes relaxation, and improves mood.


The distribution of spines forces the deep muscles to distribute the body weight evenly, which has a positive effect on their condition, improving the overall body posture and the sense of balance and motor skills. It reduces point overloads, which makes it easier to discharge the so-called trigger points.


The pressure on selected parts of the body, especially the feet, is reflected in the condition and functioning of our entire body. Uniform massage and stimulation of large areas with spikes allows you to stimulate the whole body to act, which deepens relaxation and reduces pain sensations.

Dimmensions: 66cm x 42cm