Selling a used copy of the Spring 2007 copy of this magazine, in very good condition.

The Spring issue of the photo-eye Booklist is now available for purchase through the photo-eye Bookstore. Our cover features a photograph by Peter Granser, from his new monograph Coney Island.


About Our Cover
Coney Island in all its faded glory, by Peter Granser.
by Avis Cardella

Publisher Profile
One by one, the publishers of the books we love are interviewed.
a photo-eye questionnaire

Survey of New Books
The quarterly survey of the best new photography books.
by various contributors

The Surprising Man from Memphis
William Eggleston has just published a book of older work.
interview by Eric Miles and Darius Himes

Joys of Fleeting Time
The richly layered work of Tacita Dean is reviewed.
by Charlotte Cotton

Publishing the Photography Book
The acclaimed column on publishing photography books.
by Mary Virginia Swanson and Darius Himes

The Best & Sleeper Books of 2006
Our annual list of the best books along with picks by four VIP guests.
Vince Aletti, Tim Davis, Molly Logan, and Rixon Reed

The Old & Rare Survey
A regular column that surveys important books of the past.
by Eric Miles