It was amazing we got past the first Ms Mystic issue… I remember a very long wait for this Neal Adams classic… But then again, he was busy with Batman and green arrow/green lantern and the avengers and pretty much every other title in every other universe during those years. Still, Continuity Associates delivered this very welcome new chapter in the lady’s saga. I don’t think anyone can debate the fact that Neal single-handedly changed the course of comics during the early 70s. His style and his activism and his bleeding of comics and advertising was revolutionary in those years. He’s worked to give Segel and Schuster their due as the creators of Superman and a comfortable living in their retirement years make comics a so much brighter time.

This is continuities promotional poster for the release of that book and it’s a beautiful pen and ink and Dr. Martins evocation of a dramatic scene from the book. It has been stored flat since its release and arrival from continuity all those years ago… The lady mystic may be gone after all these years but this beautiful artifact of those early years of continuity associates and the books they produced is still here, waiting for a place on someone’s wall.

With all of our packages we ship extra free items comic books, pens, buttons, trading cards, posters and other items from the era. We double reinforce our packages to guard against the currently careless post office.