Genshin Impact EU Acc AR56 for PC + Mobile

Abyss all Floors Cleared.

All Anemo- and Geocolus

One of the strongest existing Accounts

You will also receive 10.000 Primogems to wish for your favorite Character. 

Multiple Crowned Talents: Zhongli, Ninguang, Razor
For More Talent Photos, send a message

Mains: Ninguang, Zhongli, Razor, Keqing, Diluc

5 Star Weapon: Song of Broken Pines & Skyward Atlas
5 Star Character: C1Zhongli, C1Keqing, Mona, Diluc

Multiple 4 Star Weapons at Level 90
Multiple 4 Star Character at Level 90

Various Team Builds possible

C5Razor, C6Ningguang, C5Fischl, C6Sucrose, C5Bennett, C4Chongyung, C1Zhongli, C1Keqing, 

After Purchase you will receive Login + Password. We can change the Login to your email.