Mobile Phone Interactivity with FM Radio in Kenya: The Case of FM radio Stations in Nairobi

Paperback / Softback
Okoko, Tervil
LAP Lambert Academic Publishing
80 pages; 220 x 150 mm
Kenia, Kenya, Programming, mobile phone, SMS, Interactivity, mobile telephony, Radio Stations, role of mobile phone interactivity, feedback from audience, call-ins, gatekeeping in Kenya, relationship betweeen mobile phone use and audience participation, audience participation in content development, content development, role of gatekeeping, Evolution of the mobile phone, Mobile phone phenomenon, Interactivities, SMS and journalists and their audience, SMS influencing programming, Effects of SMS on relationship between journaalists and audience, journalists and audience, FM radio feedback from audience
EUR 49,00 (inkl. MwSt.)
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Mobile Phone Interactivity with FM Radio in Kenya
Mobile phone use is rapidly expanding, but community radio remains a potent force for information dissemination. The audience has also risen to take its place in determining and creating content. The audience participation in content creation and determination has been facilitated by the Short Messaging Service (SMS) technology, which mediates the interactivity between the mobile phone and the FM radio. Radio, far from being outdated and irrelevant, remains a powerful, relevant and far-reaching medium of communication. The audience, too, has risen to stake its claim on the processes and structures of modern communication.
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