Regulatory Compliance by SMEs in Queenstown in New Zealand

Paperback / Softback
Misodi, Nakomo
LAP Lambert Academic Publishing
136 pages; 220 x 150 mm
EUR 61,90 (inkl. MwSt.)
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Regulatory Compliance by SMEs in Queenstown in New Zealand
New Zealand is an Adventure tourism destination in the World, and Queenstown is marketed as one of the top locations for such activities. Adventure tourism involves outdoor activities containing a blend of risk, uncertainty and danger. The activities are closely linked to the participant's personal experience and are subjective. Adventure tourism involves an interaction with other elements, notably risk, access, communication and the environment. When participants indulge in adventure tourism activities, they expect the risk to be managed appropriately, with negative outcomes such as injury or inability to carry on with other activities mitigated. The tragic death of British backpacker Emily Jordan, while river boarding in rapids in the Kawarau River Gorge near Queenstown on April 29 2008, highlighted the issue of regulatory compliance within the adventure tourism industry in New Zealand. The write-up provides an evaluation on regulatory compliance within the adventure tourism sector in Queenstown in New Zealand from the prospective of some of the main stakeholders involved in the activities, their opinions and drawbacks. Possible recommendations are also highlighted.
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