Health and Nutritional Profile of Latex Workers

Paperback / Softback
Krishna, Pavitra; Thangaleela, T.
LAP Lambert Academic Publishing
136 pages; 220 x 150 mm
EUR 61,90 (inkl. MwSt.)
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Health and Nutritional Profile of Latex Workers
Occupational health is an important aspect in the working spot. The prevention of disease and maintenance of the highest degree of physical, mental and social well-being of workers in all occupations is essential. Working efficiency and output are very much dependent on the health and physical fitness of the workers. Several nations were anxious to maintain their pace on the industrial front and maximize output of the workers giving special attention to their nutrition and health. It is very essential that their health and nutrition status is maintained at an optimal level. The present study was conducted in Latex Industry in Kanyakumari District, Tamilnadu, India. From the industry,female workers belonging to the age group of 20 - 40 years of four different working categories such as manufacturers, chlorinators, sorters and packers were selected for the study. Their socio - economic background, occupational status, occupational hazards, life style, dietary pattern, health and nutrition status were assessed. Nutrition education was given to them for a period of 3 months using various educational modules and the impact was evaluated by assessing their Knowledge Attitude Practice.
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