Red Cherry Shrimp

Introducing our high-quality cherry shrimp! These vibrant little creatures are a popular choice for freshwater aquariums due to their bright red color and easy care requirements. Not only do they add a pop of color to your tank, but they are also efficient cleaners, eating algae and other leftover food. They are peaceful and make for great tank mates with a variety of other fish and invertebrates.

Our cherry shrimp are bred in a controlled environment to ensure their health and vitality. They are sold in groups, so you can easily create a thriving shrimp community in your tank.

Add some beauty and function to your aquarium with our cherry shrimp and bring a touch of nature to your home.


Cherry shrimp (Neocaridina denticulata sinensis) are generally considered to be peaceful and compatible with a wide range of tank mates. They can be kept in a community tank with other small, non-aggressive fish and invertebrates, as long as the tank is properly cycled and has sufficient filtration.

Some good tank mates for cherry shrimp include:
  • Other peaceful fish such as tetras, rasboras, and danios
  • Invertebrates such as snails (e.g. nerite snails, mystery snails) and small crabs (e.g. fiddler crabs)
  • Non-aggressive bottom dwellers such as otocinclus catfish and corydoras catfish
It's important to keep in mind that cherry shrimp are small and may be bullied or eaten by larger or more aggressive fish. It's also important to research the specific requirements of any potential tank mates and make sure that they are compatible in terms of water parameters and diet.

Size : Males 1.5 - 2cm & Females 2 - 4cm 

In an aquarium setting, it's important to maintain water parameters within these ranges to ensure the health and well-being of your cherry shrimp. Here are some general guidelines for water parameters for cherry shrimp:

PhGHKHTDS Temperature Keeping Temperament Life span
 7.2 (6.0 – 8.0)  6 – 8  2 – 4  250     20 – 25°C  Easy        Peaceful  up to 18 months 

It's important to test the water regularly and use a high-quality water conditioner to remove chlorine and other impurities. It's also a good idea to perform regular water changes to keep the water clean and maintain stable water parameters.


Breeding cherry shrimp in an aquarium setting is relatively easy and can be a rewarding hobby. Here are some general guidelines for breeding cherry shrimp:

  • Provide a suitable environment: Cherry shrimp need a clean, well-established tank with stable water parameters and plenty of hiding places. They prefer a pH range of 6.0-8.0 and a temperature range of 68-82°F (20-28°C).
  • Keep a good ratio of males to females: It's a good idea to have a ratio of about 1 male to every 3-4 females, as males tend to be more aggressive and may harass the females if there are too few of them.
  • Feed a nutritious diet: Cherry shrimp are omnivorous and will eat both plant and animal matter. It's important to feed them a varied diet of algae, vegetables, and high-quality shrimp pellets or granules to ensure their health and fertility.
  • Provide plenty of hiding places: Cherry shrimp are timid and need plenty of places to hide and feel secure. Use decor such as caves, plants, and driftwood to create plenty of hiding spots.
  • Monitor water quality: Regular water changes and good filtration are essential for maintaining water quality and the health of your cherry shrimp.

By following these guidelines, you can successfully breed cherry shrimp in your aquarium. It's a good idea to do some research and ask for recommendations from other shrimp hobbyists to get more tips and tricks.


Cherry shrimp are omnivorous, which means that they will eat both plant and animal matter. They will scavenge for algae and other natural sources of food in their environment, but it's important to supplement their diet with other nutritious options to ensure their health and vitality.

Here are some foods that you can feed your cherry shrimp:

  • Algae wafers or tablets
  • Frozen or freeze-dried brine shrimp, daphnia, or bloodworms
  • Blended vegetables such as spinach or zucchini (make sure to remove any uneaten pieces to prevent decay)
  • High-quality shrimp pellets or granules

It's important not to overfeed your cherry shrimp, as excess food can lead to water quality issues and harm your shrimp. A general rule of thumb is to feed them only as much as they can consume in a few hours, once or twice a day. It's also a good idea to vary their diet to provide a balanced range of nutrients.


There are many types of plants that can be used in a shrimp tank, as long as they are safe and compatible with the care requirements of shrimp. Here are a few examples of plants that are popular among shrimp hobbyists:

Java moss: This low-maintenance plant is easy to care for and provides a good source of food and shelter for shrimp.

Anubias: This hardy plant is slow-growing and can withstand a wide range of water parameters. It provides a good source of cover and breeding areas for shrimp.

Marimo moss balls: These spherical clumps of algae are easy to care for and provide a good source of food and cover for shrimp.

Water wisteria: This hardy plant has delicate leaves and provides a good source of cover and breeding areas for shrimp.

Cryptocoryne: This slow-growing plant has broad leaves and provides a good source of cover and breeding areas for shrimp.

It's important to do some research and choose plants that are compatible with the water parameters and care requirements of your shrimp tank. It's also a good idea to ask for recommendations from other shrimp hobbyists or a trusted aquatic plant supplier.

Some plant suppliers treat plants and these are not suitable for shrimp tanks, as the chemicals used to treat the plants can be harmful to shrimp and other aquatic life if they are not properly washed off or neutralized. Even if the treated plants are labeled as safe for aquatic use, it's still a good idea to err on the side of caution and avoid using them in a shrimp tank. Shrimp are sensitive to water quality and can be easily stressed or injured by the presence of chemicals in the water.

If you are unsure whether a particular plant has been treated or not, it's a good idea to contact the supplier or manufacturer for more information. Alternatively, you can consider using untreated, organically grown plants or artificial plants in your shrimp tank to avoid any potential risks to your shrimp.Tropica Plants have a huge range of shrimp safe plants and invitro grown plants are very safe to use. 


At Forest Aquatics, we understand that the health and well-being of your cherry shrimp is of the utmost importance. That's why we offer a safe and reliable door-to-door delivery service for our live shrimp, using APC couriers and a DOA policy to cover your order.

Our team has years of experience in handling and transporting live aquatic creatures, and we take every precaution to ensure that your shrimp arrive at your doorstep in the best possible condition.

We use specially designed boxes with proper insulation and temperature control to protect your shrimp during transit. When you choose our delivery service, your package will be shipped via APC couriers, a reputable and trusted courier service known for their efficient delivery and excellent tracking system.

In the unlikely event that any of your shrimp arrive DOA, simply contact us within 24 hours of receiving your package and we will provide a replacement or a refund.

Order with confidence knowing that your cherry shrimp will be delivered safely and efficiently to your home, and that we stand behind the health and vitality of our animals.

Live Goods are dispatched on Mondays, Tuesdays, Wednesday, Thursdays & Fridays

Saturday by 10am delivery is available via APC or Royal Mail for an additional £6.

Get in contact with us to chose a specific day of delivery.

DOA Policy

At Forest Aquatics, we strive to provide the highest quality cherry shrimp and ensure their health and vitality. However, we understand that there is always a risk of mortality during shipping. That's why we offer a DOA policy to protect your purchase.

If any of your cherry shrimp arrive DOA, simply contact us within 24 hours of receiving your package and provide photos of them in their original packaging unopened. We will then provide a replacement or a refund. To qualify for our DOA policy, it is important that you do not open the bag if any are deceased and to take as many photos as possible. 

We stand behind the health and vitality of our animals, and we want you to be completely satisfied with your purchase. If you have any questions or concerns about our DOA policy, please don't hesitate to contact us.