SCADA Security Assessment under Cyber Attacks

Paperback / Softback
Ghaleb, Asem
LAP Lambert Academic Publishing
80 pages; 220 x 150 x 5 mm
Netzwerke (EDV), computer crime, Industrial Control Systems Security, SCADA systems, testing, Smart Grids, protocols, SCADA Security
EUR 28,90 (inkl. MwSt.)
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SCADA Security Assessment under Cyber Attacks
Supervisory Control and Data Acquisition (SCADA) systems are responsible of controlling and monitoring industrial processes and critical infrastructures, such as electricity generation, gas production, etc. In the past few years, several security incidents have been reported on SCADA systems. The consequences of these attacks ranged from small operations disturbance to loss of human lives. Therefore, there is an urgent need to carry out a security analysis of SCADA systems and to design appropriate security solutions. Security testing on live SCADA systems; however, is not practical due to the difficulty and the cost related to the implementation. In addition, evaluation of some security vulnerabilities, may lead to the delay or interruption of SCADA services. In this book, SCADA security is discussed and a SCADA security environment for testing and evaluating SCADA attacks and mitigation techniques is presented. The environment is designed in such way to allow hybrid architectures (simulated plus physical components). Two realistic SCADA configurations are designed using the proposed environment. In addition, a set of serious network attacks on a physical PLC have been tested.
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