Reproductive Health Issues Among Adolescent Girls

Paperback / Softback
Priya, C. Kala
LAP Lambert Academic Publishing
80 pages; 220 x 150 mm
Sozialwissenschaften, reproductive health, Menstruation, PUBERTY, Awareness, life skills, adolescent, Anemia.
EUR 39,90 (inkl. MwSt.)
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Reproductive Health Issues Among Adolescent Girls
In the Indian context adolescent girls enter into reproductive life with lack of knowledge on menstruation, sexually transmitted diseases, early pregnancies and child bearing resulting in damaging effects to their general and reproductive health. Moreover, the requirements of health and other facilities are inadequate to maintain proper reproductive health with reference to adolescent girls who are in greater need of health facilities. Therefore a majority of girls in India are suffering from either general or reproductive morbidities. If not treated early, these could lead to various disabilities and consequently affect their valuable lives. Hence, there is a need to explore the reproductive health status of adolescent girls living in rural areas. In this book a sincere attempt has been made by the author to measure and explore changes in Knowledge, Attitude and Practices of the rural adolescent girls on reproductive health. It reveals the level of knowledge, attitude as well as changes in the kind of practices that are followed regarding menstruation, menstrual hygiene, diet and exercise and sexually transmitted diseases.
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