Eschatology of the Thessalonian Correspondence: A comparative study of 1 Thess 4, 13-5, 11 and 2 Thess 2, 1-12 to the Dead Sea Scrolls and the Old Testament Pseudepigrapha

Paperback / Softback
Kucicki, Janusz
Peter Lang
404 pages; 21 x 155 x 225 mm
Reihe / Serie
Das Alte Testament im Dialog / An Outline of an Old Testament Dialogue 7
Testament, comparative, Correspondence, Dead, diversity, Eschatology, Kucicki, motifs, Pseudepigrapha, Scrolls, similarity, study, Testament, Thess, Thessalonian, universal eschatology
EUR 123,10 (inkl. MwSt.)
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Eschatology of the Thessalonian Correspondence
The study focuses on two passages from the Letters to the Thessalonians (1 Thess 4, 13-5, 11; 2 Thess 2, 1-12) refering to universal eschatology. The study also contains a comparative analysis of eschatological and apocalyptic motifs found in 1-2 Thess with similar motifs in the OT Pseudepigrapha and the Qumran.
The book refers to universal eschatology contained in the Letters to the Thessalonians (1 Thess 4, 13-5, 11; 2 Thess 2, 1-12). The whole material is divided in two groups (eschatological motifs and apocalyptic motifs). Each of the motifs is analysed in the Biblical context and in the Intertestamental Literature context (the Old Testament Pseudepigrapha and the Qumran Literature). The exegetical analysis and the comparative analysis show similarity and diversity of the way Paul used the motifs. They also show which motifs were created or extensively modified by Paul in order to contribute to the creation of Christian eschatology. After presentation of the importance of eschatological topics in the 1-2 Thess (chapter I), the analyses of prodroms (chapter II) and events connected with the parousia (chapter III) indicate the way of using each of the motifs in different traditions. Based on results of the analyses, the Jewish background and Paul's original contribution to the New Testament eschatology are presented in chapter IV.
«Kucicki's painstaking exegetical analysis and breadth of the work is most impressive. [...] Kucicki has filled a void in biblical studies with an overall well-written and much needed monograph.»
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