Discourse Analysis and Human and Social Sciences

Paperback / Softback
Bonnafous, Simone; Temmar, Malika
Peter Lang
171 pages; 9 x 148 x 210 mm
Analysis, Analysis, Bonnafous, communication, Discourse, Human, information, literary studies, philosophy, psychoanalysis, Sciences, Social
EUR 71,80 (inkl. MwSt.)
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Discourse Analysis and Human and Social Sciences
What is the relationship between discourse analysis and its more recent companion disciplines of sociology, political science and information and communication sciences? What is the place and role of discourse analysis in Europe? This book aims not to present another view of discourse analysis, but to encourage debate on interdisciplinary practices.
What is the relationship between discourse analysis and its more recent companion disciplines such as sociology, political science and information and communication sciences, at their point of convergence between the symbolic and the social? How are relationships evolving between discourse analysis and disciplines like the literary studies, psychoanalysis and philosophy, which have been the constant companions of linguistics as these emerged and developed? What is the place and role of discourse analysis in Europe? These are some of the themes dealt with in this book. A team effort on the part of Centre d'Etude des Discours, Images, Texte, Ecrits, Communication (Céditec EA 3119), it aims not to present another view of the history and concepts of discourse analysis, but to encourage thinking and debate on interdisciplinary practices.
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