Custom Pre-order Sale.  MUST communicate BEFORE you purchase. 



ONE SIZE DOES NOT FIT ALL!  It's simple people; We hate the ROBOTIC nature of the internet. If all you want to do is go online and press buy it now, we have no issues telling you that there are many others that only care about money and will happily sell sell sell to you, we are NOT that seller and it's ok to shop elsewhere if you just want to click buttons and blindly purchase.  We want a customer that cares about what they are getting.  Spend time speaking with us BEFORE the purchase so we truly understand what you wish to accomplish and go over the pros n cons of every move you make.  There are situations where you some may need less OR more.   There are so many things that change the way you should think about your approach.  Do you have karaoke disc already? (We have other packages for that need)  Do you have a hard drive already?  Have you ever done karaoke to begin with? Do you have karaoke songs on another computer that you want to use in this software? Is this for home or club use?  There are so many questions that change what you should be doing.  This is why just pressing buy it now makes no sense to us.  Trust us, just pressing buy it now and not having to do any work is actually much easier. That's not what we are here for. We truly care about helping people even if it is 10's times the work/stress.

MUSIC:  This auction comes with a library.  Yet we MUST know BEFORE you purchase how you plan to use it.  This will help us figure out which package is best suited for you. It truly is nothing personal, unless you are the foremost karaoke expert, it is IMPOSSIBLE for you to know that this is a perfect fit until we understand better your needs, wants, etc. Even something as simply as the karaoke software.  NOT all software's are right for everyone.  One size NEVER fits all.  

(1) CUSTOM 15 inch laptop LED karaoke laptop (REMEMBER: Spend time talking to us, we can search for a laptop that specifically fits your needs and make a special auction for you. We pay FULL retail price for laptops as we are not a computer store!  

(1) Upgrading Patch cable to USB LED CUSTOM GREEN CABLE. Unless you need the traditional 1/8th. jack. 

(1) Karaoke player Software We will pay for the first pro licensed subscription and set up account for you. Then you pay future monthly subscription and have instant access to huge karaoke library up to date.  In fact, we just seen a song on there that was released last month!!  PLEASE let us know BEFORE purchase whether you are using this for home or for pro use. It makes a difference and don't let anyone else fool you into thinking otherwise. 

(1) Complete TV package with TV, custom bag, stand, hdmi cable

(*) Many hours of customizing.  Even the research put into choosing a laptop that is current takes more than an hour just in itself.  So there is much more to this than you realize. 

(1) Custom Illuminated LED usb cable to go from a mixer and to your laptop.

 Simply put, you always get what you pay for in life! As with ANY laptop on the market. The choices change daily. It is IMPOSSIBLE to keep up with the changes. The laptop you will receive will be hand picked by our staff through what is available in the marketplace. Photos of laptop, bag are examples only.  Simply put, would you rather us have items laying around for months or buy the latest n greatest after you purchase? YUP, latest n greatest.  

PROCESSING: After payment is made. Please allow 7-21business days to customize. The custom LED portion of the laptop is made to order & takes time to Laser cut, set up LED's.
Even though we most often are faster, these rules are in place for a reason. Please be fair and honor our terms. 

NEED IT SOONER? If you need something sooner than the clearly stated time frame for processing. You must contact us before bidding. No exceptions. These are very fair rules to abide by and we are here to do what it takes to make the customer happy. So please just ask us. 

SIGNATURE REQUIRED:  NO EXCEPTIONS, someone must be present to sign OR make arrangements with shipper to have it dropped at an authorized location for pickup. 

MAIN 48 US STATES ONLY:   We are not shipping outside the main US states for this item. 

RETURNS:  As with any laptop, we only have 14 days to return only if defective.  So therefore there are no returns after that point and all manufacturer warranty applies.  Because these are customized, we cannot return them at all.  So please allow us to work with you to fix any problems.  Please note that due to all the days/hours of work we put into this.  Very rarely do we have any issues.  

KARAOKE SOFTWARE:   The good thing about this karaoke software is if you do not find that you want to continue using it, just cancel the subscription and you are good to go.  You must research and try the karaoke software demo before purchase as we must know if you feel you would like to try something else.  REMEMBER:  One size does NOT fit all.  The future of karaoke is subscription based, do not let anyone fool you with PIRATED music, so called FREE music, etc.  It's pretty simple;  IF it cost between 1-3.00 per song to buy online from legit licensed manufacturers, then HOW can you have some seller offer you a "carsalesman deal" talking about huge discounts, free this, free that.  NOPE!  Most often tells you everything you need to know. 

SHIPPING FEES:   There are no ship cost refunds.  It is impossible because we pay a 3rd party shipper such as UPS/Fedex and once shipped, they will not return the money, nor can we return it to you.  With insurance, high value fees, etc. 

If we must do any type of refund, there will be a 25% restocking fee within 3 business days of receipt. NO refunds after 3 business days.  Sorry, we pay full consumer price to acquire laptops. They will not allow us to return after after using laptop.  If for any reason we can get store to take laptop back, we will extend the 25% restocking fee to 14 days. Only case by case basis.  We must do this because there simply is too much work done up front to give full refund.