Dodo Juice Spirited Away is a smear-free concentrated screenwash, based upon their extremely popular Clearly Menthol glass cleaner recipe. In fact, it's almost like hanging a detailer in front of your car with some Clearly Menthol and giving him a little prod when your screen gets dirty. There's soap in there, solvent, and a little Dodo magic.

From a technical perspective, Spirited Away (again, our screen wash, not the film) can cope with temperatures as cold as -40 degrees and it's safe on wiper blades, window rubbers, polycarbonate windows and tints. Maybe just avoid freshly SMART-repaired bonnets for a few weeks. However, we suggest you only use it neat if you work at Ice Station Zebra.

In the Summer, 1:6 is about right. And in winter, most people will be fine with it at 1:3.

The 500ml bottle will make a maximum 3.5 litres of summer screen wash, or a couple of litres of winter strength solution.

If you aren't overly fussy, just wait until your reservoir is low, pour the whole bottle in, then top with (preferably filtered or distilled water). 

Just don't confuse it with the 5 litre containers you see outside petrol stations that are 'ready-mixed' i.e. heavily diluted already. This is one of our famous concentrates, saving packaging and doubtless a flock of polar bears in the process.