Diode Laser Gingivectomy Healing Process: Clinical Evaluation of Diode Laser Gingivectomy as Preprosthetic Periodontal Preparation

Paperback / Softback
Kazakova, Rada Torezova
LAP Lambert Academic Publishing
156 pages; 220 x 150 mm
diode laser, healing, gingivectomy, laser gingivectomy, soft tissue crown lengthening, laser crown lengthening, gingival retraction, gingival displacement, laser troughing, impression, CAD/CAM, optical impression, electrocautery device, ceramic bur, Er:YAG LASER, CO2 Laser, laser photodynamic therapy, laser photoactivated disinfection, laser photobiomodulation, low-level laser therapy, PDT, PAD, PBM, LLLT, laser microbial reduction, Light therapy, prosthetic, prosthetics, Prosthodontics, fixed prosthodontics, removable prosthodontics, preprosthetic preparation
EUR 61,90 (inkl. MwSt.)
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Diode Laser Gingivectomy Healing Process
Periodontal preprosthetic preparation is of paramount importance for the functional suitability and durability of the restorations. Cases of excessive gingival overgrowth and appearance of pseudopockets, deeply fractured teeth and subgingival carious lesions, short clinical crowns and altered passive eruption can only be solved by performing resective procedures - gingivectomy. The preprosthetic preparation carried out in this way creates favorable conditions for performing the extremely important step of taking an impression of the prosthetic field. The main advantages of laser over traditional resective procedures are the excellent hemostasis and bactericidal effect. The current book evaluates the coagulation effect, healing process and tissue recovery after diode laser gingivectomy, compared to the classic methods.
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