Eye catching, needle felted interpretation of a flamingo bird 38cm tall, unique, one of a kind artwork, on a solid wood base. Flamingos are a wading bird and get their beautiful colour from beta carotene in their diet. The healthier they are the more vivid the colour. Interesting facts are that in the Americas, the Moche people of ancient Peru worshipped nature, in particular animals, and often depicted flamingos in their art. They are the national bird of the Bahamas.

The flamingo has been created by felting wool of vibrant oranges and pinks onto a wire armature. Legs are beeswaxed to give a scaly appearance. It has a hand crafted polymer clay beak and claws and glass eyes. The display is completed with wired wool and embroidery thread wrapped grasses.

Will be signed with a steel tag engraved Charlotte White Art.