Neem Oil Organic

What is organic neem oil oil?

Our organic neem oil is cold pressed from the seeds of the organic neem tree, which is a variety of tropical evergreen tree. Our neem oil is cold pressed, which means that it has been extracted by pressure only, and at low temperatures to preserve the natural qualities of the oil.

Our organic neem oil originates from India and is yellow-brown in colour and has a distinctive bitter aroma. Due to its antioxidant, azadiractin and fatty acid content the oil is known for its repairing and healing properties.

What can I use cold pressed neem oil for?

How will my virgin neem oil come packaged?

For sizes 100ml and under, your organic neem oil will be packaged in an amber glass bottle. Any size above that, and your neem oil will be packaged in a clear HDPE bottle.

Please note that our organic neem oil is intended as a cosmetic ingredient only, and not for food use