byMaterazzoHealth officially representative Himalaya brand in USA. 
Himalaya Abana is an antihyperlipidaemic tablet packed with herbs that reduce cholesterol and triglyceride levels. The herbal ayurvedic formulation is made from Arjuna (Arjuna) and Indian Bdellium (Guggul). Arjuna is potent in the reduction of lipid concentration in blood. It is a cardioprotective herb that prevents oxidative damage to the heart and helps stabilize blood pressure. Guggul effectively lowers total cholesterol levels through liver lipolysis and inhibits the biosynthesis of hepatic cholesterol and inhibiting the oxidation of LDL. It promotes healthy heart muscle and helps reduce platelet aggregation. It also helps reduce nervousness and anxiety. Abana is also an excellent natural therapy for maintaining normal blood pressure and normal blood circulation.