Information Systems Reengineering, Integration and Normalization

Paperback / Softback
Fong, Joseph Shi Piu
Springer, Berlin
3. Aufl.
391 pages; 6 Tabellen, 211 SW-Abb.; 237 x 156 x 21 mm
Reihe / Serie
Advanced Information and Knowledge Processing
Reverse Engineering, Software Engineering / Softwareentwicklung, Schema Integration Techniques, Database Conversion Techniques, Management Information Systems, Reverse Engineering, Data Normailzation
EUR 58,84 (inkl. MwSt.)
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Information Systems Reengineering, Integration and Normalization
Taking a very practical approach, the author describes in detail database conversion techniques, reverse engineering, forward engineering and re-engineering methodologies for information systems, offering a systematic software engineering approach for reusing existing database systems built with "old" technology. He demonstrates how the existing systems can be transformed into the new technologies with the preservation of semantic constraints and without loss of information.In this third edition, with a new chapter on Data Normalization the author shows once the databases have been converted, how to integrate them for consolidating information, and how to normalize them so that they are efficient and user friendly. Many examples, illustrations and case studies together with questions and answers ensure that the methodology is easy to follow. Ideal as a textbook for students studying information systems theories, Information Systems Reengineering Integration and Normalization will also be a valuable management reference book for Information Technology Practitioners. Additional material is available on www.extramaterials/978-3-319-12294-6
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