AMD Opteron 2218 2.6GHz Dual-Core Processor.

Working system pull from HP DL365 servers.

General information
TypeCPU / Microprocessor
Market segmentServer
FamilyAMD Second Generation Opteron
Model number  ? 2218

Stepping codesCCB6F   CCB9F   CCBFF   CCBVF   MCBBF
Frequency  ? 2600 MHz
Package1207-land lidded LGA
AMD Package number29123
SocketSocket F
Architecture / Microarchitecture
Processor core  ? Santa Rosa
Core stepping  ? JH-F3
Manufacturing process0.09 micron silicon-on-insulator (SOI) technology
Data width64 bit
The number of CPU cores2
The number of threads2
Floating Point UnitIntegrated
Level 1 cache size  ? 2 x 64 KB 2-way set associative instruction caches
2 x 64 KB 2-way set associative data caches
Level 2 cache size  ? 2 x 1 MB 16-way set associative exclusive caches
Physical memory1 TB
Virtual memory256 TB
  • 12 (integer)
  • 17 (floating point)
MultiprocessingUp to 2 processors
Extensions and Technologies
  • MMX instructions
  • Extensions to MMX
  • 3DNow! technology
  • Extensions to 3DNow!
  • SSE / Streaming SIMD Extensions
  • SSE2 / Streaming SIMD Extensions 2
  • SSE3 / Streaming SIMD Extensions 3
  • AMD64 / AMD 64-bit technology  ? 
  • AMD-V / AMD Virtualization technology
Security Features
  • EVP / Enhanced Virus Protection  ? 
Low power features
  • Halt mode
  • Stop Grant mode  ? 
  • PowerNow!
Integrated peripherals / components
Integrated graphicsNone
Memory controllerThe number of controllers: 1
Memory channels (per controller): 2
Memory channels (total): 2
Supported memory: DDR2
Other peripherals
  • HyperTransport technology with three 16-bit links up to 1000 MHz each
Electrical / Thermal parameters
V core  ? 1.3V / 1.35V
Minimum operating temperature0°C
Maximum operating temperature  ? 55°C - 72°C
Thermal Design Power  ? 95 Watt