Earth Bags can be used:

  • ·         for erosion control,
  • ·         constructing retaining walls
  • ·         for building / stabilising / restoring and protecting embankments
  • ·         reinforcing highways
  • ·         flood defence
  • ·         creating golf bunkers
  • ·         lining a ditch and protection of streams and waterways
  • ·         creating a living wall
  • ·         Creation of raised beds and terraced areas
  • ·         creation of islands within lakes.

Earth Bags are simple to use, they require little or no specialist tools or labour. By following the simple guide below and referring to the photographs included, your projects can be completed with ease.

A plastic connector plate is provided free with every Earth Bag. If used together the earth wall is further strengthened providing a strong wall and a wall which allows vegetation to grow. The plastic connector plates increase the overall strength of the retaining wall and if used in connection with a form of geo grid tie the wall into the surrounding substrate.

Please note I recommend a structural engineer is consulted for any retaining wall above 1.2 metres.

Earth Bags are produced from a strong, non-woven geotextile fabric. The bags are water-permeable and flexible, with the ability to very effectively sustain a wide variety of vegetation, as part of a vegetated wall system.

The plastic connector plates which are provided free are placed between the filled bags, dramatically increasing the sheer strength of the bag structure.

The Earth Bags are designed to be filled with a granular soil mix containing small stones to aid drainage. Soil excavated from the site is often an adequate filling material. The Earth Bags work well when pre-seeded with grass seed. The seeds then germinate through the bag, take root and grow through the front face of the bag, giving the wall its vegetated surface. In time, the roots grow into and through the back of the bag and into the bank behind it, further securing the structure.The wall must be watered while it is establishing.

Structural strength exists, however the addition of vegetation further increases the structure’s stability and provides aesthetical and environmental benefits. In addition to pre-seeding with grass seed, the Earth Bags accommodate many other forms of planting, including wild flower, shrubs and trees. Options include live planting; brush layering; hydro-seeding and live staking. You may choose one or a combination of planting options, allowing you to blend your structure with the environment around it.

Approximately 14 Earth Bags will construct a single course 1 square metre wall. The size of the bag is: 810mm x 420mm and a cable tie and plastic connector is supplied with every Earth Bag.  When filled, the Earth Bag height is 17-18cms approximately and the length is 16cms approximately.

Earth is incredibly versatile in how it can be used. Different applications benefit from different installation methods, therefore the number of bags required will depend upon the specific project and factors such as height, gradient and ground conditions.

Here is a step by step guide, see the photographs below too:

1.  Site preparation

Foundations are not required but the ground should be as level as possible. However this is not critical, as a step-up in levels can be created during construction. The base of the prepared area must be firm and, if necessary, compacted. It is recommended that you retain as much suitable excavated material as possible, to use for filling the bags at a later stage. When excavating, your digging must allow for the height and gradient of the structure; laying of the bags; backfilling and, if required, the use of geogrid. In most cases, no drainage is required as Earth Bags are water permeable.

2. Filling the Earth bags

The Earth Bags should be filled with a granular soil mix containing small stones to aid drainage. Clay and silt are not recommended for filling the bags. At this stage, grass seed can be added to the bags (please see Step 8 for alternative vegetation options). A budget option is to insert a pipe into the facing edge of the Earth Bag and filling with the grass seed mixture. Whilst the pipe is still in place, fill the rest of the bag with your soil mix to the required level, then withdraw the pipe. Finally, seal the bag with the cable tie provided. My personal recommendation is to add grass seed to the entire fill material this provides a more even germination across the whole surface, but this will require more seed and is more costly. See photograph 1 for an easy method to fill the Earth Bags. It will b.e necessary to irrigate the wall during establishment

3. Starting your Earth structure

First place the plastic connector plates on the ground, positioning them to sit beneath where you want to place your first row of bags. The plastic connector plates should sit directly beneath the middle of each bag. To ensure this positioning, the plastic connector plates will need to be placed approximately 30 to 33 inches apart. Place your first row of filled bags over the plastic connector plates, with a one to two inch space between the ends of each neighbouring bag. Compaction will then fill the bag into the open spaces as you build your structure. Do not overlap the bags at any stage, butt them against each other..

4. Placing additional rows

Place the plastic connector plates over the spaces between the base bags for the entire length of the structure. You will then be ready to place a further row of bags over the previous row. This must be done in a running bond format, to ensure the plastic connector plates sit beneath the middle of each Earth Bag. After placement, walk on or apply pressure to the tops of the bags to lock them onto the plastic connector plates. It is recommended to place a batter on any retaining wall.

5. Backfilling the structure

Fill and compact the backfill every two rows of Earth Bags (or no more than 20cm to 30cm depth of fill). To obtain best results, vibratory compaction equipment should be used. Please note: a clean gravel zone behind the bags is not required for alignment or drainage (as used in concrete or brick walling structures). In time, vegetation will penetrate the Earth Bags and grow into the backfilled area, further stabilizing the structure.

6. Geogrid (where required)

For structures requiring further reinforcement, Earth Bags earth can be used in combination with geogrid. Lay the geogrid so that it covers the area from the front of the bags to the rear of the backfill area. Place the plastic connector plates on top, as per the laying instructions in Step 4. Pull the geogrid taut, then place the next row of bags on top of the plastic connector plates and geogrid, again following the laying instructions in Step 4. Backfill over the geogrid and compact once the second row is complete.

7. Top row

Place the top row of Earth Bags at a 90° angle to the structure alignment. The deeper embedment created by this placement will anchor the top of the structure and provide for a more stable structure. Embed the rear section of the bag so that 50% of the bag is covered with backfill soil. Please note this may require you to use less fill in the top row of bags to allow for creating this shape.

8. Planting

There are many vegetation options for your Earth Bag structure. You may have chosen to add grass seed to the Earth Bags prior to construction, in which case your Earth Bag structure is now complete and you will soon begin to see the start of grass sprouting through the bags as the seeds germinate and take root. Alternatively, you may decide to plant the Earth Bag structure after construction. Options include seeding into small holes, live planting; brush layering; hydroseeding and live staking. For live planting, simply make a small incision into the bag, remove soil as required to make space, then insert your live planting material. You may also choose a combination of pre-seeding and live planting, for a stunning, natural effect. Irrigate the structure until well established. It may be necessary to irrigate the structure during dry conditions.


Each individual Earth Bag is supplied with a free plastic connector plate and a cable tie.

Please note, Some photographs are a visual description of the Earth bags which are for sale.

Other more general photographs show the method of construction and are not included in the sale.