Macramé braided string pull tie bracelet with gemstone crystal ball bead and seed bead centerpiece.
  • Dimensions: approx. 6.5" to 12" (circumference)
  • Weight: 0.1 oz.
  • One size fits all with adjustable pull tie strings.
  • Lightweight for a comfortable daily fit.
  • Tested for non-toxic materials.
  • Handmade in Peru.

Healing and Metaphysical Properties for Color/Stone Variations:

Brown Goldstone
Attain your goals with this glitter brown goldstone bracelet that resonates with your solar plexus chakra (third chakra/Manipura). Providing ambition and drive, this stone is both uplifting while helping one stay calm and stabilize their emotions.

Green Malachite
Balance your emotions and let harmony influence all your relationships wearing this malachite stone bracelet that resonates with your heart chakra (fourth chakra/Anahata). Malachite has been used as protection in jewelry since ancient Egypt; wearing this pendant will bring loyalty, practicality, and synchronicity into your life. 

Turquoise Howlite
Enhance your communication skills and attune with your spiritual truth wearing this turquoise howlite stone bracelet that resonates with your throat chakra (fifth chakra/Vishuddha). Turquoise howlite is a powerful stone of protection and compassion.

Purple Amethyst
Embody the energy of a violet flame and encourage spiritual wisdom wearing this amethyst stone bracelet that resonates with your third eye and crown chakra (sixth chakra/Ajna/seventh chakra/Sahasrara). Amethyst is a powerful protective stone, ideal for traveling and healing of the body, mind and soul.

White Opalite
Raise your personal power and remove any energy blockages wearing this opalite stone bracelet that resonates with your third eye chakra (sixth chakra/Ajna). This milky iridescent stone, subtle yet highly energetic, is beneficial for self-esteem, transitions, wealth, and meditation.

Black Onyx
Remove all your fears and worries wearing this black onyx stone bracelet that resonates with your root chakra (first chakra/ Muladhara). Grounding and protective, this stone absorbs and transmutes negative energy, encouraging happiness and good fortune for your future.