Herbs to stop heavy flow, clots, pain

26 Ayurvedic Herbs
Ashoka - reduce prolonged period cycles
Lodhra - controls excessive period flow
Shatavari - balance hormones
Haritaki - helps in uterus detox

Controls heavy period flow

Gets healthy periods on-time
Treats prolonged periods
Reduce clotting, pain, cramps
Acts as natural uterus detox
Manages Pitta imbalance - bio-energy of periods
Purifies blood to balance hormones
👊 Bid goodbye to long painful periods

Dosage & Duration
Consume Daily :

Total dosage: 4 tablets per day
2 tablets before breakfast
2 tablets after dinner
Consume for minimum 90 days for best results

Who should take it
If you have :

Heavy period flow, clots
Period lasts 6+ days or longer
Periods in 24 days or less
Spotting between 2 periods

Consumer Study
83% women got relief from heavy flow within 30 days
71% women said that period pain, cramps reduced within 60 days
65% women said that prolonged period problem resolved within 90 days

Is heavy bleeding a serious problem?
Yes. If not treated, it may lead to chronic gynaec disorders.

What is VEERHA?
VEERHA treats inflammation in the uterus to control heavy bleeding.

Does it treat any heavy bleeding cases?
Yes, it can help with any cases of clots & heavy bleeding for more than 5 days.

Does it have any side effects?
No. It is made of 100% Ayurvedic herbs & don’t have any side effects.