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Get any 15 Alpha Pokemon from Legends Arceus!

This listing is specifically for Pokemon Legends Arceus.

*Does not include all unown or arceus types, message me if you need these

Choose any 15 from the list:

1. Shiny Pikachu (Level 24)

2. Shiny Raichu (Level 100 or 24)

3. Shiny Clefairy (Level 58)

4. Shiny Clefable (Level 100 or 58)

5. Shiny Vulpix (Level 44)

6. Shiny Alolan Vulpix (Level 40)

7. Shiny Ninetales (Level 100 or 46)

8. Shiny Alolan Ninetales (Level 100 or 45)

9. Shiny Zubat (Level 34)

10. Shiny Golbat (Level 33)

11. Shiny Paras (Level 29)

12. Shiny Parasect (Level 100 or 28)

13. Shiny Psyduck (Level 43)

14. Shiny Golduck (Level 100 or 42)

15. Shiny Growlithe (Level 47)

16. Shiny Arcanine (Level 100 or 46)

17. Shiny Abra (Level 33)

18. Shiny Kadabra (Level 33)

19. Shiny Alakazam (Level 100 or 33)

20. Shiny Machop (Level 43)

21. Shiny Machoke (Level 42)

22. Shiny Machamp (Level 100 or 42)

23. Shiny Tentacool (Level 43)

24. Shiny Tentacruel (Level 100 or 42)

25. Shiny Geodude (Level 47)

26. Shiny Graveler (Level 46)

27. Shiny Golem (Level 100 or 46)

28. Shiny Ponyta (Level 47)

29. Shiny Rapidash (Level 100 or 46)

30. Shiny Magnemite (Level 45)

31. Shiny Magneton (Level 45)

32. Shiny Gastly (Level 34)

33. Shiny Haunter (Level 34)

34. Shiny Gengar (Level 100 or 34)

35. Shiny Onix (Level 35)

36. Shiny Voltorb (Level 54)

37. Shiny Electrode (Level 100 or 54)

38. Shiny Lickitung (Level 35)

39. Shiny Rhyhorn (Level 42)

40. Shiny Rhydon (Level 42)

41. Shiny Chansey (Level 33)

42. Shiny Tangela (Level 43)

43. Shiny Mr. Mime (Level 30)

44. Shiny Scyther (Level 43)

45. Shiny Electabuzz (Level 43)

46. Shiny Magmar (Level 42)

47. Shiny Magikarp (Level 31)

48. Shiny Gyarados (Level 100 or 31)

49. Shiny Eevee (Level 43)

50. Shiny Vaporeon (Level 100 or 17)

51. Shiny Jolteon (Level 100 or 17)

52. Shiny Flareon (Level 100 or 42)

53. Shiny Porygon (Level 37)

54. Shiny Snorlax (Level 100 or 45)

55. Shiny Cyndaquil (Level 43)

56. Shiny Quilava (Level 42)

57. Shiny Typhlosion (Level 100 or 42)

58. Shiny Crobat (Level 100 or 33)

59. Shiny Pichu (Level 24)

60. Shiny Cleffa (Level 58)

61. Shiny Togepi (Level 50)

62. Shiny Togetic (Level 50)

63. Shiny Sudowoodo (Level 100 or 56)

64. Shiny Aipom (Level 43)

65. Shiny Yanma (Level 43)

66. Shiny Espeon (Level 100 or 17)

67. Shiny Umbreon (Level 100 or 17)

68. Shiny Murkrow (Level 56)

69. Shiny Misdreavus (Level 58)

70. Shiny Gligar (Level 54)

71. Shiny Steelix (Level 100 or 35)

72. Shiny Qwilfish (Level 68)

73. Shiny Scizor (Level 100 or 43)

74. Shiny Heracross (Level 100 or 47)

75. Shiny Sneasel (Level 35)

76. Shiny Sneasel-Hisui (Level 61)

77. Shiny Teddiursa (Level 43)

78. Shiny Ursaring (Level 45)

79. Shiny Swinub (Level 52)

80. Shiny Piloswine (Level 45)

81. Shiny Remoraid (Level 36)

82. Shiny Octillery (Level 100 or 36)

83. Shiny Mantine (Level 100 or 46)

84. Shiny Porygon2 (Level 36)

85. Shiny Stantler (Level 24)

86. Shiny Elekid (Level 43)

87. Shiny Magby (Level 43)

88. Shiny Blissey (Level 100 or 33)

89. Shiny Wurmple (Level 42)

90. Shiny Silcoon (Level 42)

91. Shiny Beautifly (Level 100 or 42)

92. Shiny Cascoon (Level 42)

93. Shiny Dustox (Level 100 or 42)

94. Shiny Ralts (Level 42)

95. Shiny Kirlia (Level 42)

96. Shiny Gardevoir (Level 100 or 42)

97. Shiny Nosepass (Level 54)

98. Shiny Roselia (Level 51)

99. Shiny Barboach (Level 48)

100. Shiny Whiscash (Level 100 or 48)

101. Shiny Duskull (Level 44)

102. Shiny Dusclops (Level 44)

103. Shiny Chimecho (Level 100 or 68)

104. Shiny Snorunt (Level 53)

105. Shiny Glalie (Level 100 or 53)

106. Shiny Spheal (Level 44)

107. Shiny Sealeo (Level 44)

108. Shiny Walrein (Level 100 or 44)

109. Shiny Turtwig (Level 56)

110. Shiny Grotle (Level 56)

111. Shiny Torterra (Level 100 or 56)

112. Shiny Chimchar (Level 56)

113. Shiny Monferno (Level 56)

114. Shiny Infernape (Level 100 or 56)

115. Shiny Piplup (Level 56)

116. Shiny Prinplup (Level 56)

117. Shiny Empoleon (Level 100 or 56)

118. Shiny Starly (Level 37)

119. Shiny Staravia (Level 36)

120. Shiny Staraptor (Level 100 or 36)

121. Shiny Bidoof (Level 31)

122. Shiny Bibarel (Level 100 or 31)

123. Shiny Kricketot (Level 21)

124. Shiny Kricketune (Level 100 or 37)

125. Shiny Shinx (Level 30)

126. Shiny Luxio (Level 30)

127. Shiny Luxray (Level 100 or 30)

128. Shiny Budew (Level 52)

129. Shiny Roserade (Level 100 or 51)

130. Shiny Cranidos (Level 50)

131. Shiny Rampardos (Level 100 or 50)

132. Shiny Shieldon (Level 50)

133. Shiny Bastiodon (Level 100 or 50)

134. Shiny Burmy-Plant Cloak (Level 22)

135. Shiny Burmy-Sandy Cloak (Level 22)

136. Shiny Burmy-Trash Cloak (Level 22)

137. Shiny Wormadam-Plant Cloak  (Level 100 or 42)

138. Shiny Wormadam-Sandy Cloak  (Level 100 or 22)

139. Shiny Wormadam-Trash Cloak  (Level 100 or 42)

140. Shiny Mothim (Level 100 or 42)

141. Shiny Combee (Level 28)

142. Shiny Vespiquen (Level 100 or 51)

143. Shiny Pachirisu (Level 100 or 40)

144. Shiny Buizel (Level 43)

145. Shiny Floatzel (Level 100 or 29)

146. Shiny Cherubi (Level 47)

147. Shiny Cherrim (Level 100 or 47)

148. Shiny Shellos East (Level 47)

149. Shiny Shellos West (Level 47)

150. Shiny Gastrodon East (Level 100 or 46)

151. Shiny Gastrodon West (Level 100 or 46)

152. Shiny Ambipom (Level 100 or 42)

153. Shiny Drifloon (Level 17)

154. Shiny Drifblim (Level 100 or 28)

155. Shiny Buneary (Level 40)

156. Shiny Lopunny (Level 100 or 39)

157. Shiny Mismagius (Level 100 or 58)

158. Shiny Honchkrow (Level 100 or 56)

159. Shiny Glameow (Level 49)

160. Shiny Purugly (Level 100 or 49)

161. Shiny Chingling (Level 68)

162. Shiny Stunky (Level 36)

163. Shiny Skuntank (Level 100 or 36)

164. Shiny Bronzor (Level 45)

165. Shiny Bronzong (Level 100 or 45)

166. Shiny Bonsly (Level 47)

167. Shiny Mime Jr. (Level 30)

168. Shiny Happiny (Level 34)

169. Shiny Chatot (Level 100 or 75)

170. Shiny Spiritomb (Level 100 or 80)

171. Shiny Gible (Level 48)

172. Shiny Gabite (Level 48)

173. Shiny Garchomp (Level 100 or 48)

174. Shiny Munchlax (Level 46)

175. Shiny Riolu (Level 62)

176. Shiny Lucario (Level 100 or 67)

177. Shiny Hippopotas (Level 43)

178. Shiny Hippowdon (Level 100 or 36)

179. Shiny Skorupi (Level 52)

180. Shiny Drapion (Level 100 or 52)

181. Shiny Croagunk (Level 47)

182. Shiny Toxicroak (Level 100 or 46)

183. Shiny Carnivine (Level 100 or 34)

184. Shiny Finneon (Level 43)

185. Shiny Lumineon (Level 100 or 42)

186. Shiny Mantyke (Level 46)

187. Shiny Snover (Level 52)

188. Shiny Abomasnow (Level 100 or 52)

189. Shiny Weavile (Level 100 or 37)

190. Shiny Magnezone (Level 100 or 45)

191. Shiny Lickilicky (Level 100 or 35)

192. Shiny Rhyperior (Level 100 or 42)

193. Shiny Tangrowth (Level 100 or 42)

194. Shiny Electivire (Level 100 or 42)

195. Shiny Magmortar (Level 100 or 42)

196. Shiny Togekiss (Level 100 or 50)

197. Shiny Yanmega (Level 100 or 42)

198. Shiny Leafeon (Level 100 or 42)

199. Shiny Glaceon (Level 100 or 17)

200. Shiny Gliscor (Level 100 or 54)

201. Shiny Mamoswine (Level 100 or 45)

202. Shiny Porygon-Z (Level 100 or 36)

203. Shiny Gallade (Level 100 or 51)

204. Shiny Probopass (Level 100 or 54)

205. Shiny Dusknoir (Level 100 or 44)

206. Shiny Froslass (Level 100 or 53)

207. Shiny Rotom (Level 100 or 68)

208. Shiny Rotom-Wash (Level 100 or  68)

209. Shiny Rotom-Heat (Level 100 or 68)

210. Shiny Rotom-Mow (Level 100 or 68)

211. Shiny Rotom-Fan (Level 100 or 68)

212. Shiny Rotom-Frost (Level 100 or 68)

213. Shiny Oshawott (Level 43)

214. Shiny Dewott (Level 42)

215. Shiny Samurott (Level 100 or 42)

216. Shiny Petilil (Level 52)

217. Shiny Lilligant (Level 100 or 52)

218. Shiny Basculin (Level 51)

219. Shiny Zorua (Level 43)

220. Shiny Zoroark (Level 100 or 42)

221. Shiny Rufflet (Level 64)

222. Shiny Braviary (Level 100 or 64)

223. Shiny Sylveon (Level 100 or 45)

224. Shiny Goomy (Level 51)

225. Shiny Sliggoo (Level 50)

226. Shiny Goodra (Level 100 or 50)

227. Shiny Bergmite (Level 48)

228. Shiny Avalugg (Level 100 or 48)

229. Shiny Rowlet (Level 43)

230. Shiny Dartrix (Level 42)

231. Shiny Decidueye (Level 100 or 42)

232. Shiny Wyrdeer (Level 100 or 24)

233. Shiny Kleavor (Level 100 or 43)

234. Shiny Ursaluna (Level 100 or 50)

235. Shiny Basculegion (Level 100 or 51)

236. Shiny Sneasler (Level 100 or 61)

237. Shiny Overqwil (Level 100 or 68)


238. Shiny Uxie (Level 100 or 70)

239. Shiny Mesprit (Level 100 or 70)

240. Shiny Azelf (Level 100 or 70)

241. Shiny Dialga (Level 100 or 65)

242. Shiny Dialga Origin (Level 100 or 65)

243. Shiny Palkia (Level 100 or 65)

244. Shiny Palkia Origin (Level 100 or 65)

245. Shiny Heatran (Level 100 or 70)

246. Shiny Regigigas (Level 100 or 70)

247. Shiny Giratina (Level 100 or 70)

248. Shiny Giratina Origin (Level 100 or 70)

249. Shiny Cresselia (Level 100 or 70)

250. Shiny Phione (Level 100 or 33)

251. Shiny Manaphy (Level 100 or 50)

252. Shiny Darkrai (Level 100 or 70)

253. Shiny Shaymin (Level 100 or 70)

254. Shiny Shaymin-Sky (Level 100 or 70) *****

255. Shiny Arceus (Level 100 or 75)

256. Shiny Tornadus Incarnate (Level 100 or 70)

257. Shiny Tornadus Therian (Level 100 or 70)

258. Shiny Thundurus Incarnate (Level 100 or 70)

259. Shiny Thundurus Therian (Level 100 or 70)

260. Shiny Landorus Incarnate (Level 100 or 70)

261. Shiny Landorus Therian (Level 100 or 70)

262. Shiny Enamorus Incarnate (Level 100 or 70)

263. Shiny Enamorus Therian (Level 100 or 70)

By default the final stage pokemon will come level 100, while the lower stages will come at their met levels listed above. These pokemon are all EV trained, have max GVs, perfect IVs, and have all move tutor moves unlocked.
*****I've received reports that Shaymin sky form reverts to land form when traded. I will send shaymin but if you want sky form you will have to get the gracidea flower to change forms.


1. Choose shiny/non-shiny: By default all the Pokemon in this pack are shiny. If you would like some or all of them to be non-shiny, let me know in an eBay message. 

2. Level: You can choose either level 100 or the levels listed in the above list. By default they will come at the levels listed and the final stage ones will come battle ready at level 100.

3. Alpha: By default these come all alpha max size, but if you want they can be random size and not alpha.

4. Custom OT: I can change the original trainer of these Pokemon to match yours. If you want me to match the trainer ID, secret ID and trainer name, let me know and I will trade you a random pokemon at the very beginning before I trade the 1 to get your SID, then I will trade the 15 immediately after. You do NOT need to disconnect from the trade for this, it only takes 1-2 minutes or less. 

*** HOW TO TRADE ***

To trade online:

  1. *Go to Jubilife Village and talk to Simona
  2. Select the “I want to trade Pokemon” option
  3. For online Pokemon trading in Legends Arceus select the “Someone far away” option
  4. For both types of trade, your Nintendo Switch requires you to enter an 8-digit code, make one up and make sure you and your friend enter the same code
  5. Once you connect with your friend, the Pastures boxes will show up, simply select the Pokemon you want to trade and select “Offer up”
  6. The game shows what you are offering and what you are getting in the trade, if the trade is okay with you, select “Trade it”

Time to receive order:
The time you will receive your order depends on how many people are waiting to trade, and when I am available to trade. Same day delivery is almost always guaranteed unless I get a lot of orders. The times when I am available varies each day but I am usually available during these windows:
Every day: 12 PM - 10 PM MST 

Important Notes:
*You MUST have a Nintendo Switch Online Membership in order for us to trade. You will be refunded if you cannot go online.
*What is OT? OT stands for original trainer. When you catch a Pokemon, your trainer information is recorded on that Pokemon, which includes the trainer's name, gender, trainer ID and secret ID. The first to catch the pokemon is the original partner and this is listed in the Pokemon's summary. I'm not aware of any advantages of being the original trainer in this game (the Pokemon won't obey you in this game if your rank isn't high enough even if you are the OT) but if that's something you'd like, let me know!

*This is a digital purchase for a service

*I do not own and am not affiliated with the Pokemon Company. 

*No Refunds after trade unless a mistake is made