OPEK - Autotek LTD

Product Details
Brand Name
Model         AT-7443
Side A         TNC Male
Side B         UHF Female
Impedance Ohms
Other Detail
         Used for connecting a TNC Female to a UHF Male or PL-259
Package Quantity

Perfect for use in your ham station or on your work bench. Always new connectors or adapters.

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Notice to residents of California : California Proposition 65 : Safe Drinking Water and Toxic Enforcement Act . We are fully compliant under section 25249.11(b)

Terms and Conditions : Not responsible for errors including typographic errors. Product specification may change without notice. Purchase of Seller's items or products is entirely voluntary and the Seller will not be liable for any indirect, special, consequential, punitive or other damages (including lost profits) arising out of or relating to this agreement or transaction or the transactions it contemplates (whether for breach of contract, tort, negligence, or other form of action) or the use or failure of Seller's products irrespective of whether the Seller has been advised of the possibility of any such damage. In no event will the Seller’s liability exceed the price the Buyer paid to the Seller for the specific goods provided by the Seller giving rise to the claim or cause of action. Purchase of Seller's goods indicates acceptance of these terms and conditions by the Buyer and all interested parties.

*Connector designs, styles and specifications subject to change and may vary from images slightly from lot to lot