​​Guatemala SHB El Pacayalito is grown in the region of Pacaya, an active volcano complex southwest of Guatemala City. The high altitude and rich volcanic soil make for a stunning landscape, and some delicious coffees. This coffee is rainforest alliance . Finca El Pacayalito is located near Pochuta, which is a town in Chimaltenango, a region of Guatemala Pacayalito.

Guatemala, Finca El Pacayalito - RAC - "Roasted Coffee Upon Order"
Region/Farm: Chimaltenango/Finca El Pacayalito
Certifications: Rainforest Alliance
Elevation: 4,592-5,249 ft.
Varietals: Bourbon, Catimor, Catuaí, Caturra
Processing: Sun-dried, Washed
Suggested Roast Level: Medium (Full City)
Tasting Notes: Vanilla and dark chocolate aromas – Citrus/orange and plum notes – sweet aftertaste
Cup Score: 85.25
Larger quantity selections are individually sealed in 1 lb. bags to ensure long lasting freshness. Specialty grade, 100% Arabica coffee.
About Our Coffee
Delicious freshly roasted coffee is an experience few of us get have. The origin is important, but the most important thing it is how the coffee is grown. Great beans make great coffee. We here at RöstHaus Coffee sample specialty grade arabica coffees from around the world and sell only the origins we think taste great. It is all about the coffee, nothing else......   
RöstHaus Coffee Roasterie knows there is nothing like the fresh smell of coffee. Green coffee beans are alive, and the aroma is like a spring day. Roasted coffee fills the air with the beauty of life. Once you have experienced the excellence of freshly roasted coffee, you will never want to have coffee prepared anywhere but home.
All our coffee origins are purchased directly from a specialty coffee trading company. We only buy current crop specialty grade coffee. Every coffee origin we purchase that is not already in GrainproTM bags are immediately put in GrainproTM bags and kept in dark climate controlled conditions to keep the green coffee as fresh as when purchased.
Your coffee order is freshly roasted and shipped to you upon order.
We always recommend buying coffee whole bean coffee to ensure the freshest taste. But if you do not have a grinder, here is a breakdown of the grind levels we offer:
Coarse Coffee Grind: Use in a French Press or Percolator
When brewing coffee in a French Press or Percolator, the coffee grounds are in contact with water for a relatively long period of time (2-4 minutes, depending on volume). Because of the longer brew cycle, a coarse coffee grind with larger granules is recommended.
Medium Coffee Grind: Use in Regular Drip coffee machines or Flat-bottomed filter
This coffee grind resembles sugar and is used primarily with vacuum and flat-bottom drip makers. It is the most versatile grind and suits most drip brewing methods. We recommend this grind for pour-overs with metal filters.
Fine Coffee Grind: Use with drip and other filter brewing methods. Not all drip coffee machines and filters are the same. Although a medium grind works with most drip coffee machines, it may be necessary to experiment with a grind that is a bit finer. A fine coffee grind will have a texture like cornmeal and is fine enough to hold and slow down the flow of water passing through the coffee as it sits in the paper filter. A fine grind can also be used with a Neapolitan flip-drip and most manual paper pour-overs.
Espresso Coffee Grind: Use with espresso machines
Grinding coffee for espresso is probably the most difficult to get right. The coffee grind needs to be fine enough to increase the pressure required to push the water through the filter and create a good crema. But if the grind is too fine, the ground coffee can block the coffee filter. Generally, espresso coffee grind resembles a mixture of powdered sugar and fine beach sand. Since each espresso machine is a bit different, you may have to experiment to get the coffee grind just right.
Some of these grinds are subject to preference, which is why we recommend owning a grinder. Look to our blog page for ideas of what to use at home.
Packaging and Shipping
Roasted Coffee is packed in valved, food grade, Biotrē™ coffee bags to ensure freshness and superior quality. We use the Biotrē™ coffee bags because they are 60% (by weight) biodegradable, made from wood pulp, which is compostable. The other 40% of the bag is a polyethylene liner that has an additive, allowing the liner to break down within 5-10 years. (Biotrē™ 1.0: 60% compostable/60% renewable, not including the valve.) We do this because a standard plastic coffee bag can take up to one thousand years to decompose. So just remove the valve from the bag and compost.
Domestic and most international shipments will ship via USPS or USPS Priority mail.
How to Store your Coffee
Roasted Coffee will last 2 weeks, before quality begin to degrade. We recommend only buying the amount of roasted coffee you can use in a 2-week period. Store at room temperature and out of sunlight.
If you have any questions, feel free to contact us or visit us at RostHausCoffee.com.