Birds of Prey and Wind Farms: Analysis of Problems and Possible Solutions

Hötker, Hermann; Krone, Oliver; Nehls, Georg
Springer, Berlin
1st ed. 2017
331 pages; VIII, 331 p. 133 illus., 103 illus. in color.; 22 x 160 x 243 mm
Wind farm development conflicts and birds of prey, Raptors: Red Kite, White Tailed Eagle, Montagu's H, Telemetry and radio tags, Wind turbines, collision risks and fatalities, Wind farms and wind energy in Germany
EUR 160,49 (inkl. MwSt.)
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Birds of Prey and Wind Farms

This book discusses the increase in number and capacity of wind farms in Germany and how this is affecting birds of prey. Several methods are used to study the behaviour of birds of prey in relation to wind farms, including telemetry data, field observations, and comparisons of turbine base areas. Special attention is given to the effects on different bird species and the impact wind farms may have on population growth and breeding success of birds of prey. Chapter 6 discusses the collision risks at wind turbines and provides an analysis of the fatalities. In the concluding chapter, ideas are put forward to help minimize conflicts, estimate risks, and offer practical recommendations for future research.

This book will be of interest to wind farm developers, researchers, applied ecologists and landscape planners.

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