Detonation Control for Propulsion: Pulse Detonation and Rotating Detonation Engines

Li, Jiun-Ming; Teo, Chiang Juay; Khoo, Boo Cheong; Wang, Jian-Ping; Wang, Cheng
Springer, Berlin
1st ed. 2018
239 pages; XIII, 239 p. 209 illus., 101 illus. in color.; 243 x 156 x 20 mm
Reihe / Serie
Shock Wave and High Pressure Phenomena
Gas Explosion Characteristics, Deflagration and Detonation, Air-breathing Propulsion, Rocket Propulsion, Detonation Technology, Deflagration to Detonation Technology, Shock wave, fluid- and aerodynamics
EUR 192,59 (inkl. MwSt.)
NEUWARE - Tagesaktueller, sicherer und weltweiter Versand. Rechnung legen wir bei.
Detonation Control for Propulsion

This book focuses on the latest developments in detonation engines for aerospace propulsion, with a focus on the rotating detonation engine (RDE). State-of-the-art research contributions are collected from international leading researchers devoted to the pursuit of controllable detonations for practical detonation propulsion. A system-level design of novel detonation engines, performance analysis, and advanced experimental and numerical methods are covered. In addition, the world's first successful sled demonstration of a rocket rotating detonation engine system and innovations in the development of a kilohertz pulse detonation engine (PDE) system are reported. Readers will obtain, in a straightforward manner, an understanding of the RDE & PDE design, operation and testing approaches, and further specific integration schemes for diverse applications such as rockets for space propulsion and turbojet/ramjet engines for air-breathing propulsion.

Detonation Control for Propulsion: Pulse Detonation and Rotating Detonation Engines provides, with its comprehensive coverage from fundamental detonation science to practical research engineering techniques, a wealth of information for scientists in the field of combustion and propulsion. The volume can also serve as a reference text for faculty and graduate students and interested in shock waves, combustion and propulsion.

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