At the center of the chilling forest of ghost trees was a huge black boulder that emanated the most terrible energy ever. No one dared approach it because it was subject to a lethal spell. Indeed, however, that great rock contained an ancient secret made of fire and mystery. It is said that once the forest was formed by lush trees on which grew gems of inestimable value. And the dark boulder was the remnants of the golden carriage with which a coppery-haired princess tried to escape from an old, greedy foreign nobleman who wanted to marry her to take possession of her priceless treasures. The cupid aristocratic, to stop her, ordered the most powerful of the sorcerers to cast a spell on her, killing the trees of the forest and dropping the beautiful girl into a mortal sleep. On their watch he put a gigantic monster that only a valiant knight without blemish and fear could kill by breaking the spell. After 88 years passed by a brave warrior who, having learned of the fate of the princess, decided to try to save her. Upon reaching the black stone, the fierce monster appeared to him and, after a long struggle, he was able to overcome it. When the roaring cursed creature was dissolved like nightmares at the rising of the Sun, the black trunks of the plants covered again with a green mantle studded with precious gems and the black stone, slowly regained the semblances of the golden carriage. When the topaz on its top resumed to shine, the door of the golden coach opened, like a bud to the spring warmth. Then the knight saw the princess' motionless body lying on the seat. Enraptured by her enchanting beauty, he approached her to rescue her but could not help but kiss her. So it was that the ruby on her crown sparkled with a magical light and she came to her senses. As in all fairy tales, the two married and lived happily ever after.


Phantasmagorias are micro-cosmos in which ancient fairy tales and future legends thicken and intertwine, personal dreams and collective nightmares, atavistic memories and ancestral instincts, desires without a time and hopes without place. 
Their name is formed by "phantom", "ghost" (from the Greek ϕάντασμα, "show", "appear") and the suffix  "-agoria" (from the Greek αγορά, "assembly", "gathering", or ἀγορεύω, "speaking publicly") which creates an association with "allegory" rhetorical figure in which one image overshadows another.
The Phantasmagorias are fragments of the invisible reality allowing to access the Beyond dimension through a dizzying spiral of symbols able to reinchant the dinsenchanted world increasingly flattened on the material dimension of the here and now.
Each Phantasmagoria tells a secret story in which each individual can recognize himself and can use it to better understand himself and others, the present, the past and the future by decrypting the images, the signs, the clues, composing it. 
For this reason it is accompanied by a very short text with some suggestions about the story it tells.

  • glass,
  • polymeric clay,
  • rhinestones,
  • ecological colors.

  • width: 10 cm = 3.9 inches,
  • depth: 13 cm = 5.1 inches,
  • height: 19 cm = 7.5 inches.


Glass vase for collectors and lovers of small works of art, rare and extravagant handicrafts, curious and sophisticated,refined and original, iconic-symbolic and exclusive objects suitable for a Wunderkammer (Chamber of Wonders) of the new era.
Decorated with small 3D sculptures created in polymeric clay painted by hand with ecological colors by Amira Munteanu Bergmann, being handmade it is a unique piece of which there will never be another perfectly identical.


The Enchanted Pricess Phantasmagoria, being a work completely (from its concept to the creation of small sculptures, from its coloring to decoration) signed Amira di Transilvania, is a 100% Made in Italy product. 
For its realization it took 18 hours of work.
Moreover, having been inspired by a philosophy of complete respect for the environment in the choice of materials that compose it, starting from the base container that is recycled, it is also 100% ecological.


Being an artisan product, Amira di Transilvania can customize it WITHOUT additional costs according to the needs and desires of the individual buyer.
Among other things, it can:
  • change the size and shape of the container;
  • change the theme and the subject represented;
  • change the colors;
  • change the quantity, desposition, shapes and colors of the decorations;
  • personalize the work with the name of the buyer, a phrase, a logo, his seal.


As a unique piece, a small work of art, the customer will receive it accompanied by a certificate-guarantee that attests: 
  • its registration in Amira di Transilvnia's Archive,
  • its number of accomplishments,
  • the 100% Italian brand, 
  • the 100% Italian manufacture,
  • the 100% ecological and sustainable processes,
  • the buyer's name.



Amira di Transilvania is both a brand and a monobrand store 100% Made in Italy.

To sign them is Amira Munteanu Bergmann who, as an artist, actress, entrepreneur, passionate and curious researcher, scholar and collector, is one of the most brilliant and multifaceted figures on the Italian scene. 


All Amira di Transilvania products are covered by copyright. 

Thus the reproduction, either integral or partial, of them and of their images is forbidden. 

Any violation of intellectual property will be sanctioned in accordance with the law. 

Amira di Transilvania brand has no dealer around the world. 

All its products are sold only and exclusively in Amira di Transilvania real and virtual stores. 


Amira di Transilvania evaluates the importance of Made in Italy craftsmanship, therefore it enhances the talent and the resources of Creatives and Designers working by hand in Italy, in an environmentally responsible and sustainable way. 

By re-evaluating local production, it fights against multinational and mass consumerism brands that relocate, exploiting foreign workers as well as losing control over the quality of what they put on the market.

No poduct in Amira di Transilvania store are purchased and resold.

Everything, from the initial concept to its realization up to the way of communicating it, is rigorously signed and created by Amira di Transilvania

The main goal of the Brand is the complete satisfaction of the needs, of the desires and of the whims of its buyers.


Each product signed by Amira di Transilvania is customized, in limited edition and series, fully conceived, designed, modeled, painted, decorated by hand, with eco-sustainable materials. 

For this reason there will never be two perfectly alike objects. 

To underline their uniqueness, each of them is accompanied by a certificate of guarantee and orginality, marked by an archive number and headed with the name of the purchaser.

Respecting all the criteria of environmental sustainability, craftnabship and uniqueness, Amira di Transilvania is a 100% Made in Italy luxury brand.


Since Amira di Transilvania products are handmade, it is possible to request their customization WITHOUT additional costs. 

Everyone can, therefore, receive in short, his small work of art, unique and unrepeatable, made according to his specific indications and requests.

Finally, Amira di Transilvania also offers personalized gift boxes and many gift ideas that can satisfy all the needs, desires and whims of its customers.

CONTACT Amira di Transilvania for FREE consultation.