Vegan Society-Trademarked olive oil soap flakes
All Patounis soap products are traditional, natural with no additives
 and "tested on humans for five generations"
Make your own liquid soap!
250 gram packet of stronger 'LAUNDRY' olive oil soap flakes 
NATRUE and UNESCO-recognised soap workshop

Traditional Mediterranean pure unadulterated olive oil soap 'flakes' cleaning product for  hand-washing woollens, fibres and fleeces and for use in felt-making crafts, hand dispensers and even washing the surfaces of fruit and vegetables. An economical way to make your own eco solution and keep in a lidded container or jar in your kitchen for household use. 250 grams of the 'laundry' soap flakes which last for many many washes - photos above show various Patounis soap products and similar 'green' or 'mild' flakes available in our separate Ebay listings. This is a sister product to the pure hand-cut hand-stamped soaps seen in a couple of the photos which we have been listing since 2008, and now available to Ebayers in flake form so that you can by-pass commercial alternatives that have added chemicals and/or perfumes! Produced by the NATRUE and UNESCO-recognised Patounis Soap Factory on Corfu Island in Greece, made of best quality Greek virgin olive oils from local family olive farms, this is as near as you will ever get to a wholesome, pure, ethical cleaning agent with only THREE BASIC INGREDIENTS: Greek virgin olive oil, sea salt and water! Slighter higher free alkali content makes this particular soap flake solution more powerful at lifting grease and grime from surfaces. There is a four-month 'curing' process whilst the soap bars, from which these flakes are derived, rest in the open air to dry naturally on wooden racks - see photos with your zoom facility, current batch is light beige colour as of 27 March 2024). If you are fed-up with the dreadful and repulsive fragrances that are typical of commercially-produced soaps and washing powders, PATOUNIS soap 'flakes' are a wonderful alternative! All Patounis soap products have passed through the rigours of British Trading Standards and these 'flakes' are of the same high quality as the cosmetic soaps we also sell - see separate listings for two chunky bars  of 'mild' and 'green' soap bars for £5.25 and a single huge block of powerful 'laundry' soap as per photo 6 above. You can soak a small quantity, say 25 grams - 30 grams for example, of these 'laundry' soap flakes in a jugful of fairly hot water and allow to soak for several hours and then use the resultant liquid in your hand pump dispenser and use as a liquid hand soap or keep in a lidded container in your kitchen and use bit by bit as needed. Patounis soap products may safely be used by babies, children and even by people who have allergic reactions to commercial soaps although this soap is somewhat strong in its action so best to do a patch test first just in case. Photos hopefully show how these lovely 'flakes' may be used in the context of washing your woollens in the home, or for craft use with needle felting etc., dirty sheep fleeces or other fibres, it has to be said that each crafts reference book recommends something a little different when it comes to the washing of fleeces and fibres and each crafts person will have his or her method of doing things according to their facilities. All reports from previous customers have been very favourable with some people returning to replenish their supplies over and over again. A few of our more sensitive customers also report no irritation whatsoever even with allergic reactions taking place with other soap products, there is nothing added at all to Patounis olive oil soaps. Please note some variation in flake size and colour is to be expected due to the time of year the soap was made, the current batch is light beige as of 27 March 2024.

If you visit Corfu, you can attend one of Mr. Patounis's Guided tours of this soap workshop which take place every week day at 12.00 midday during the tourist season and you can see how this exemplary soap is prepared. Best to check beforehand that tours of the workshop are happening that day you want to visit. 

We offer you for £5.00 one 250 gram bag of 'laundry' olive oil soap 'flakes' plus postage £3.49 to U.K., Europe £11.75 and to countries way beyond the rainbow £21.75. Partial refunds issued if the actual postage paid is lower than that charged on your invoice. We use new packaging for this exemplary product, each subsequent packet of 'flakes' will of course be charged at a slightly lower rate of postage OR remain at the same rate as for a single item purchased. We have 100% positive Ebay feedback and from a pet-free, smoke-free home.  

* How to use your PATOUNIS 'laundry' soap 'flakes': An A4 sheet of instructions will be posted with your order which was written by The Patounis Soap Workshop. If you have time to plan ahead, pre-soak overnight, say, 25 -30 grams or more of your 'flakes' in a jug or similar receptacle in some hand-hot water so that the soap will soften naturally after a period of time of soaking into a soft creamy mass, occasionally stirring with a wooden fork or similar to agitate it and distribute the particles. This mixture will be your stock solution and can be kept well for some considerable time in a bottle or lidded container in your kitchen and small quantities used as and when needed. No more horrible aromas and fragrances annoying your lungs or bad reactions on your skin from allergy-related conditions! All you will smell is residual olive aromas. NOTHING EXTRA is ever added to PATOUNIS soap! Some of your stock solution may be added to your soak baths for your dirty sheep fleeces or other fibres, it is not necessary to add the whole lot at once, it can last for some weeks thus saving you money and time. Keep the left-over quantity of ready made-up liquid stock solution in your kitchen cupboard for another day. If you want to be adventurous, use PATOUNIS olive oil soap liquid instead of washing powders in your washing machine but add three tablespoonfuls of white vinegar in the final rinse instead of over-perfumed commercial conditioners, there might be a 'strange smell' for a while but BoffinBeads is assured that this is normal for Greek or Mediterranean laundry practice and any residual aroma of vinegar soon evaporates. Please note that prolonged use of Patounis soap flakes solution in your washing machine may not be advised due to damage to certain parts of the machine if used repeatedly on a daily basis so just use occasionally as an alternative laundry agent. In felt-making, it is recommended to use the 'mild' soap flakes although either 'mild' or 'green' type will be good, made into the usual liquid state by pre-soaking as above. The prolonged contact with your hands in rolling your fibres should not adversely affect your hands and a few trial users reported good skin condition after use. Whilst making your felt, you will not be annoyed by the horrible smells of cheap fragrances, only the natural aroma of the olive oil soaps - it is a new olfactory experience and takes a bit of getting used to. Keep your stock solution handy in your felt-maker's water-sprayer for a few weeks, thus saving you money again. The product is non-toxic, biodegradable, No GM, no laurel oil (which is a banned cosmetic substance according to EU regulations), no artificial colours, NOTHING ADDED WHATSOEVER and is a proven traditional cleaning agent by generations of Corfiots who have made it into the household name it well deserves. Note this 'laundry' quality of soap is stronger in action than its sister olive oil soap products ideally suited to household chores, felt-making to help matt the fibres etc.

Have a nice day!