Soil Enzymology in the Recycling of Organic Wastes and Environmental Restoration
Edizione Inglese di Carmen Trasar-Cepeda (a cura di), Teresa Hernández (a cura di), Carlos García (a cura di), Carlos Rad (a cura di), Salvador González-Carcedo (a cura di)

    Editore: Springer Berlin Heidelberg
    EAN: 9783642270253
    ISBN: 3642270255
    Pagine: 372
    Formato: Paperback

Soil enzymes play a fundamental role in many soil processes such as the mineralization of organic matter, the synthesis of humic substances, the degradation of xenobiotics or the mechanisms involved in the biocontrol of plant pathogens. Their direct link with soil microorganisms gives them a key role as biomonitors of the evolution of soil quality or in the monitoring of the application of organic amendments to degraded soils. As a consequence of the importance of soil enzymes on soil processes, there is an increasing interest in their study, as well as in the application of molecular techniques as diagnostic tools.