Hand sewn Deer leather Medicine Bag with real Turtle (not from endangered species) Claw sewn on bag. Bag measures 3" long by 2 1/2" wide, comes with a 17" (34" total) leather strap.

Medicine bags are used to hold objects that are sacred or special to you.

Deer Leather: Heart & Spirit Connection, Protection, Grace & Sensitivity.
Turtle claw: Honor, Ancient Wisdom, Stability, Endurance and Protection.

Small amount of sage is placed inside, and the bag has been cleansed with sage to bring peace to you and your family.
A story card comes with bag explaining the meanings of all items used.
Any questions please contact me.

 I have scanned the bag to try and show the color of the leather.
Please note: As with Mother Nature no two claws are exactly alike, so the claw might be a little different than the one scanned.