Geological Approaches to Coral Reef Ecology

Edizione Inglese di Richard B. Aronson (a cura di)

    Editore: Springer New York
    EAN: 9781441922113
    ISBN: 1441922113
    Pagine: 468
    Formato: Paperback

This book provides a unique perspective on the destruction - both natural and human-caused - of coral reef ecosystems. Reconstructing the ecological history of coral reefs, the authors evaluate whether recent dramatic changes are novel events or part of a long-term trend or cycle. The text combines principles of geophysics, paleontology, and marine sciences with real-time observation, examining the interacting causes of change: hurricane damage, predators, disease, rising sea-level, nutrient loading, global warming and ocean acidification. Predictions about the future of coral reefs inspire strategies for restoration and management of ecosystems. Useful for students and professionals in ecology and marine biology, including environmental managers.