Description: This Fantastic 1968 French Revolution Poster Art Portfolio has 28 Posters. The posters are attached to each other. The title says "Mai 68 Affiches, Tchou, Editeur" (May 68 Posters, Tchou, Publisher.) 

"Beginning in May 1968, a period of civil unrest occurred throughout France, lasting some seven weeks and punctuated by demonstrations, general strikes, as well as the occupation of universities and factories. At the height of events, which have since become known as May 68, the economy of France came to a halt. The protests reached such a point that political leaders feared civil war or revolution; the national government briefly ceased to function after President Charles de Gaulle secretly fled France to West Germany at one point. The protests are sometimes linked to similar movements that occurred around the same time worldwide and inspired a generation of protest art in the form of songs, imaginative graffiti, posters, and slogans."  

Measures 12-3/4" W x 19-1/4" H. 

 Condition: Corners and edges are slightly worn. Nice condition. 

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