Wilderness Survival Tip Cards

This set contains #1-20 of Grim's ever-growing everyday carry Survival Tip Card line, which includes survival tips and tricks for everything from urban tips to wilderness survival tips and everything in between. This includes everything from how to send and recieve morse code, to trapping on land, or in the water, how to pick locks, and more. Information useful for urban areas, as well as in a wilderness survival tips. This set of self reliance tips also comes with a slide top tin marking it for what it is, a pocket disaster survival guide.

Information for bushcraft outdoor skills and wilderness survival, everyday tips, urban emergencies, and more. Each tip card is double sided, and jam packed with enough useful information to fill a bushcraft book. Each pocket style manual filed with survival tips and tricks and designed to be weatherproof, uv resistant, tear resistant, and long lasting.

What is a Tip Card?

Grim's Survival Tip Cards are credit card sized plastic cards as thin as a piece of paper, and painted with waterproof ink. Each tip card contains varied subject material from urban emergencies to survival tips.

These Cards Full of Survival Tips Contain :

#1 How to send morse code

#2 how to make a pitfall trap, how to make a figure 4 trap

#3 emergency land to air signal, silent communication sign language alphabet

#4 how to pick a lock

#5 navigational aid tool

#6 Jug line fishing, and drinking straw lure

#7 how to make a net

#8 Water purification and distillation

#9 how to make fish traps, and improvised hooks

#10 protractor and ruler tool card

#11 how to set Snare Traps

#12 Shelter making, tarps, and natural

#13 venomous snake identification, and how to skin a snake

#14 solar water disinfection, and basic water filter making

#15 animal identification and tracking from scat

#16 animal identification and tracking from tracks

#17 solar clock

#18 how to smoke meat, and building an improvised smoker

#19 how to jump a car, and siphon gas

#20 how to eat tree bark, how to make tree bark flour

Waterproof Survival Tips and Tricks Tip Cards

completely waterproof so you don't have to worry about being outdoors, or keeping them out of the rain, and made from UV resistant durable plastic for added strength and long lasting design.