For sale is a near mint condition, unused E.V.P. set from Alan Rorrison.

** For iPhone7 the customer will need to purchase a 3rd party integrated headphone jack. **

DISCLAIMER: To some people, what you're about to perform is beyond their grasp of reality. Use at your own risk. 

James Randi has a standing offer of $1,000,000 for proof of life after death. Claims are cheap. Proof is everything. EVP gives you the power to put the apparent PROOF of life after death onto your spectator's phone. A memento they can keep forever and never forget. 

EVP (Electronic Voice Phenomenon) are electronic recordings interpreted as voices from the dead or other paranormal sources. Alan Rorrison's latest masterpiece, EVP, allows you to seemingly harvest voices from the other side and make them answer the questions of your spectator ON THEIR PHONE. Your shell-shocked spectator will leave the encounter with the likely evidence of a spirit's voice on their phone, as they replay it over and over, in utter disbelief. 

EVP is an incredibly easy to use device in magic to ever allow the spectator to keep the evidence of a seemingly paranormal event on their own phone. Use your newly discovered power wisely. (NOTE: Smartphone with headphone jack is required to operate EVP.) 

Alan would like to extend a massive thank you to James Brown, without his inspiration none of this would have been possible.

Original credit to Cesaral Magic for being the first creator in 2012, that used a spectator's mobile phone for recording EVP

** For iPhone7 the customer will need to purchase a 3rd party integrated headphone jack. **

shelf reference #L-513