This advertisement, for technical reasons, states that some "copies" of this jewel are available. 
Indeed, being created COMPLETELY BY HAND, it is a UNIQUE and EXCLUSIVE specimen of which there can never be another IDENTICAL. 
Being an artisan product, Amira di Transilvania, WITHOUT additional costs, can create similar jewels PERSONALIZING THEM according to the needs, the desires and the tastes of the individual customer.
When this jewel will be sold its photos will be replaced with those of a similar one.
Since there is ONLY THIS ONE PIECE, if you don’t buy it now, you may NOT FIND IT any more LATER.


This Pendant is a small work of art completely handmade by Amira Munteanu Bergmann inspired by the Mexican tradition of the Santa Muerte, Calaveras, or skulls painted in various bright colors.
The Jewel is formed by a 3D mini-sculpture composed of a skull with red lips and on the back of the skull a rose, a female body with a golden and white corset to which are attached, by means of metal rings, some red and green bells, and two green offshoots which, although they look like leaves, act as arms. From the body hangs another offshoot and a red strawberry.
Above the skull there is a structure formed by beads and a festoon with various roses to which attaches the necklace made with various elements of different shapes and colors and closed by a chain with a hook. 
Being a handmade product, if, on the one hand, its various components do not have a regular shape, on the other hand there can never be a jewel identical to this. 


Calaveras are very particular skulls linked to the Central American (Mexican) funeral tradition.
The most widely known calaveras are noulded in cane sugar and are decorated with items such as colored foil, icing, beads, and feathers.
The skulls are created either for children or as offerings to be placed on altars known as ofrendas for the Día de Muertos, which has roots in the Aztec, Mayan, and Toltec cultural celebration of the Day of the Dead.
The tradition is for families to decorate their loved ones' ofrendas with both large and small handmade sugar skulls. Children who have died, represented by small sugar skulls, are celebrated on November 1. The larger sugar skulls represent the adults, whose celebration takes place on November 2. It is believed that the departed return home to enjoy the offering on the altar.
In pre-Columbian times the images of skulls and skeletons were shown often in paintings, pottery, etc. representing rebirth into the next stage of life. 
Aztecs saw death as a positive sign of a better condition. As a result, they celebrated it with voluntary sacrifices in honor of the Goddess of the earth and the Coatlicue life, figuratively represented with a mask of death. To confirm this, the Aztec temples were enriched with skulls-shaped sculptures. Centuries later, Spanish colonization introduced the skeletons of medieval macabre dances into Mexican religious iconography.
During the 20th century José Guadalupe Posada became famous for making Calaveras as vain skeletons dressed in the clothing of the wealthy. The most famous one was Catrina, wearing a feathery hat, fancy shoes and a long dress. Catrina is considered to be the personification of The Day of the Dead. These skeletons are created from many materials such as wood, sugar paste varieties, types of nuts, chocolate, etc. When used as offerings, the name of the deceased is written across the forehead of the skull on colored foil.


The Calavera Pendant is part of a collection of ethnic Jewels and Pendants inspired by the traditions and aesthetics of specific tribes, more or less ancient, from various parts of the world. 
The Project aims to rediscover and enhance the identity and peculiarities of local cultures through the revival and reinterpretation of ethnic jewelry, talismans, amulets to counter the megatrend of communication, of the uprooting/disembedding, of the loss of the memory of the past, triggered and fed by the ideology of globalization.
Within ancient tribal cultures, everything worn, especially during religious ceremonies, was cloaked in an aura of mystery and sacredness. 
Consequently, the jewels, although also having a decorative and ornamental function, first of all, were thought to have deep symbolic and magical values linked to religion and superstition.
To remain faithful to this spirit and since in the realization of ceremonies and magical rituals are fundamental not only the gestures that are performed and the formulas that are pronounced but also the tools that are used, the creation of this mini-sculpture has followed a specific path in tune with the secret rules of the Arcane in order to load it with appropriate energies. 

  • polymeric clay, 
  • cold terracotta,
  • brass,
  • ecological, non-toxic colors.


Amira Munteanu Bergmann has taken care of the whole production process of the Jewel: from the concept to the creation of the various components, from their assembly to their coloring and decoration. 
Being a work completely signed by Amira di Transilvania, it is a 100% Made in Italy and handcraft product.
For its realization it took 30 hours of work.

Being an artisan Jewel, WITHOUT additional costs, Amira di Transilvania can customize or create a similar one according to the needs and desires of the individual buyer.


As a unique piece, a small work of art, the buyer will receive this Jewel with a certificate-guarantee attesting: 
  • its registration in Amira di Transilvnia's Archive,
  • its number of accomplishments,
  • 100% Italian brand, 
  • 100% Italian manufacture,
  • 100% ecological and sustainable processes,
  • the buyer's name.



Amira di Transilvania is both a brand and a monobrand store 100% Made in Italy.

To sign them is Amira Munteanu Bergmann who, as an artist, actress, entrepreneur, passionate and curious researcher, scholar and collector, is one of the most brilliant and multifaceted figures on the Italian scene. 


All Amira di Transilvania products are covered by copyright. 

Thus the reproduction, either integral or partial, of them and of their images is forbidden. 

Any violation of intellectual property will be sanctioned in accordance with the law. 

Amira di Transilvania brand has no dealer around the world. 

All its products are sold only and exclusively in Amira di Transilvania real and virtual stores. 


Amira di Transilvania evaluates the importance of Made in Italy craftsmanship, therefore it enhances the talent and the resources of Creatives and Designers working by hand in Italy, in an environmentally responsible and sustainable way. 

By re-evaluating local production, it fights against multinational and mass consumerism brands that relocate, exploiting foreign workers as well as losing control over the quality of what they put on the market.

No poducts in Amira di Transilvania store are purchased and resold.

Everything, from the initial concept to its realization up to the way of communicating it, is rigorously signed and created by Amira di Transilvania

The main goal of the Brand is the complete satisfaction of the needs, of the desires and of the whims of its buyers.


Each product signed by Amira di Transilvania is customized, in limited edition and series, fully conceived, designed, modeled, painted, decorated by hand, with eco-sustainable materials. 

For this reason there will never be two perfectly alike objects. 

To underline their uniqueness, each of them is accompanied by a certificate of guarantee and orginality, marked by an archive number and headed with the name of the purchaser.

Respecting all the criteria of environmental sustainability, craftnabship and uniqueness, Amira di Transilvania is a 100% Made in Italy luxury brand.


Since Amira di Transilvania products are handmade, it is possible to request their customization WITHOUT additional costs. 

Everyone can, therefore, receive in short, his small work of art, unique and unrepeatable, made according to his specific indications and requests.

Finally, Amira di Transilvania also offers personalized gift boxes and many gift ideas that can satisfy all the needs, desires and whims of its customers.

CONTACT Amira di Transilvania for FREE consultation.