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Introduction to Psychology by Richard C. Atkinson, Rita L. Atkinson, Susan Nolen-Hoeksema, Edward E. Smith, Daryl J. Bem (Hardcover, 1999)

 Ships From Australia

For the introductory or general psychology course, this text has been the gold standard in the field for decades. Psychology is a dynamic field. This classic text captures the dynamic nature of contemporary psychology in 3 ways: (1) controversial issues are discussed in point/counterpoint essays in Contemporary Voices in Psychology boxes; (2) research is applied to real world problems in Frontiers of Psychological Research boxes; and (3) a biological orientation, a trend which is changing the way psychological topics are viewed, is exemplified by integrated bio-evolutionary research and coverage.

This is a large heavy hardcover book, hence the price which includes postage

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By the time postage fees for this book are taken off the purchase price 

(depending on the weight of the book)

It means this book is selling for under $2.00

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