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The Star of Gettysburg

Joseph A. Altsheler 
(1862 - 1919)

The Army of Northern Virginia, still victorious after three hard years of fighting, capitalize on their victories at Fredericksburg and Chancellorsville, and a young Harry Kenton, is an eyewitness to the Confederate invasion of the north, culminating in the epic three-day struggle at Gettysburg, Pennsylvania, where Robert E. Lee puts into place a strategy that will end the war, or shatter his army.

This is the fifth book in the Civil War Series by Joseph A. Altsheler.

Volumes In The Civil War Series ( All Volumes in series can be found in my eBay Store)
The Guns of Bull Run.
The Guns of Shiloh.
The Scouts of Stonewall.
The Sword of Antietam.
The Star of Gettysburg.
The Rock of Chickamauga.
The Shades of The Wilderness.
The Tree of Appomattox.

Read by Multiple Readers

Run Time 10 Hours in 9 Audio CDs

Section ---- Chapter ---- Run Time
1 01 - Ch 01 - The Head of the Family, part 1 - 14:07
2 02 - Ch 01 - The Head of the Family, part 2 - 16:48
3 03 - Ch 02 - Ahorse with Sherburne, part 1 - 17:31
4 04 - Ch 02 - Ahorse with Sherburne, part 2 - 18:53
5 05 - Ch 03 - Jackson Moves, part 1 - 19:40
6 06 - Ch 03 - Jackson Moves, part 2 - 21:14
7 07 - Ch 04 - On the Rappahannock, part 1 - 25:13
8 08 - Ch 04 - On the Rappahannock, part 2 - 23:54
9 09 - Ch 05 - Fredericksberg, part 1 - 25:13
10 10 - Ch 05 - Fredericksberg, part 2 - 29:39
11 11 - Ch 06 - A Christmas Dinner, part 1 - 18:53
12 12 - Ch 06 - A Christmas Dinner, part 2 - 16:44
13 13 - Ch 07 - Jeb Stuart's Ball, part 1 - 28:41
14 14 - Ch 07 - Jeb Stuart's Ball, part 2 - 28:06
15 15 - Ch 08 - In the Wilderness, part 1 - 21:33
16 16 - Ch 08 - In the Wilderness, part 2 - 17:50
17 17 - Ch 09 - Chancellorsville, part 1 - 27:22
18 18 - Ch 09 - Chancellorsville, part 2 - 26:27
19 19 - Ch 09 - Chancellorsville, part 3 - 25:28
20 20 - Ch 10 - The Northern March, part 1 - 16:39
21 21 - Ch 10 - The Northern March, part 2 - 15:48
22 22 - Ch 11 - The Cavalry Combat, part 1 - 18:57
23 23 - Ch 11 - The Cavalry Combat, part 2 - 24:14
24 24 - Ch 12 - The Zenith of the South, part 1 - 18:02
25 25 - Ch 12 - The Zenith of the South, part 2 - 19:40
26 26 - Ch 13 - Gettysburg, part 1 - 31:40
27 27 - Ch 13 - Gettysburg, part 2 - 32:03

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