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Sammie and Susie Littletail
Howard R. Garis (1873 - 1962)

Once upon a time there lived in a small house built underneath the ground two curious little folk, with their father, their mother, their uncle and Jane Fuzzy-Wuzzy. Jane Fuzzy-Wuzzy was the nurse, hired girl and cook, all in one, and the reason she had such a funny name was because she was a funny cook. She had long hair, a sharp nose, a very long tail and the brightest eyes you ever saw. She could stay under water a long time, and was a fine swimmer. In fact, Jane Fuzzy-Wuzzy was a big muskrat, and the family she worked for was almost as strange as she was. (excerpt from text).

Read by Clarica

Run Time 3 Hours 6 Minutes in 3 Audio CDs

Section ---- Chapter --- Run Time

1 Story 01 - Sammie Littletail In a Trap - 05:06
2 Story 02 - Sammy Littletail is Rescued - 04:56
3 Story 03 - What Happened to Susie Littletail - 04:53
4 Story 04 - Papa Littletail's Picture - 05:00
5 Story 05 - Sammie Littletail Digs a Burrow - 04:58
6 Story 06 - Sammie and Susie Help Mrs. Wren - 04:49
7 Story 07 - Uncle Wiggily Gets Shot - 05:02
8 Story 08 - Susie and Sammie Find a Nest - 04:57
9 Story 09 - Sammie Littletail Falls In - 05:28
10 Story 10 - Jane Fuzzy-Wuzzy Gives a Lesson - 05:33
11 Story 11 - Sammie's and Susie's Terrible Time - 05:31
12 Story 12 - Susie Goes to a Party - 05:31
13 Story 13 - The Littletail Family Move - 05:18
14 Story 14 - How the Water Got In - 05:50
15 Story 15 - Sammie and Susie at the Circus - 05:08
16 Story 16 - Sammie and the Snake - 04:57
17 Story 17 - Susie and the White Kittie - 05:32
18 Story 18 - Sammie and the Black Doggie - 06:04
19 Story 19 - Uncle Wiggily Makes Maple Sugar - 06:01
20 Story 20 - Sammie and Susie Hunt Eggs - 06:17
21 Story 21 - Susie Littletail Jumps Rope - 06:18
22 Story 22 - Sammie Colored Sky-Blue-Pink - 06:40
23 Story 23 - Susie Littletail's Hot-Cross Buns - 06:21
24 Story 24 - Hiding The Easter Eggs - 09:35
25 Story 25 - Uncle Wiggily and the Red Fairy - 07:46
26 Story 26 - Susie and the Blue Fairy - 07:36
27 Story 27 - Sammie and the Green Fairy - 07:31
28 Story 28 - Susie and the Fairy Godmother - 07:08
29 Story 29 - Uncle Wiggily and the Fairy Spectacles - 06:40
30 Story 30 - Sammie Saves Billie Bushytail - 06:49
31 Story 31 - Susie and the Fairy Carrot - 07:22

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A public-domain book is a book with no copyright, a book that was created without a license, or a book where its copyrights expired or have been forfeited.

In most countries the of copyright expires on the first day of January, 70 years after the death of the latest living author. The longest copyright term is in Mexico, which has life plus 100 years for all deaths since July 1928.

A notable exception is the United States, where every book and tale published before 1926 is in the public domain; American copyrights last for 95 years for books originally published between 1925 and 1978 if the copyright was properly registered and maintained.