I am required as per eBay's policy on the paranormal to indicate that eBay forbids the sale of intangible items and this listing is for ONLY A TANGIBLE DOLL.

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I connect with paranormal teams worldwide and take in these dolls and find new homes for them. These dolls are from REAL haunted locations.

Established for victims of the Yellow Fever Epidemic, this burial ground is St. Augustine's "Spirit Central." One of the property's poltergeist had his teeth stolen from the grave. Another had her body dumped unceremoniously at Old City Gates. Who’s haunting Huguenot Cemetery?

The Ghost of the Fourteen-Year-Old Girl

An unidentified fourteen-year-old girl is another inhabitant of Huguenot Cemetery. It’s believed that she died after exposure to the Yellow Fever Epidemic, her body left unceremoniously at the Old City Gates. No one claimed the young girl, and her body was interred in a pauper’s tomb.

Paranormal enthusiasts claim to see her bewildered specter. Some report that her ghost tarries among the trees. Others say that she wears a wispy, white dress. She’s frequently sighted near midnight, so keep your eyes peeled.

The History of the Huguenot Cemetery

In 1821, just a few weeks after its procurement as a United States territory, the city of St. Augustine was struck with the Yellow Fever Epidemic.

According to Florence Mitchell’s “A History of the Huguenot Cemetery,” thirteen to fourteen people, including soldiers, were dying of the Yellow Scourge by the day. Tolomato Cemetery and its consecrated grounds were reserved for the Catholic community, so it became necessary to have a public protestant cemetery, Huguenot Cemetery.

Huguenot Cemetery Comes to a Close

The Huguenot Cemetery operated between the years of 1821 and 1884 and is home to approximately 436 St. Augustinian souls. Acquired by Reverand Thomas Alexander, it was later sold to the Presbyterian Church in 1832.

By the late nineteenth century, overcrowding and sanitation issues resulted in the cemetery’s permanent closure. 

Lilly is approximately 14 inches long and 5 inches wide with porcelain face, hands and feet.

The STORY of Lilly is as follows:

Lilly was one of 2 dolls used as trigger objects by a paranormal investigator. He made contact with a little 6-year-old girl who said her name was Lilly. She told the investigator she died of a bad fever; the doctors could do nothing to save her. She said her parents buried her at the cemetery. She was afraid and wanted to leave the sad people. The investigator that if she attaches her soul to the doll, she could take her back to the states and find her a new home. She was so happy se started to soc, the medium told her to not be sad he would find her a new living home. Lilly said she was crying because the dolly had a teddy just like the one, she had when she passed. 

Lilly was one of 3 dolls used as a trigger object by a paranormal investigator. 

Please only Serious inquires & bids


* EBay Policies Require you to be 18 years of age or over to purchase, EBay has deemed that anything sold that is listed as paranormal or metaphysical, must be listed for entertainment only.