John Bauer and the magical nature
Karin Sidén - Carina Rech - Margaretha Rossholm Lagerlöf - Elina Druker - Tomas Björk - Tora Wall - Vibeke Röstorp - Vibeke Waallann Hansen - Jeff Werne
Stockholm : Prince Eugen's Waldemarsudde , 2020, 312 p. 

In the Nordic art around the turn of the century 1900, nature inspired by magic is a fascinating and recurring theme. Deep forests, mist-shrouded meadows and roaring rapids, in several works from this time, came to be populated by various natural beings such as trolls, fairies and Näcken.  The interest in Nordic folk beliefs and mythology among visual artists coincided in time with national currents, influences from the world of symbolism and an upsurge in recorded legends and illustrated fairy-tale literature.
John Bauer's captivating fairy tale illustrations are presented in this book in dialogue with works by his contemporary Nordic artist colleagues, including J.A.G.  Acke, Agnes de Frumerie, Akseli Gallen-Kallela, Ernst Josephson, Theodor Kittelsen, Louis Moe and Hugo Simberg.  Important questions, linked to nature, magic and identity, are thematized within Nordic contemporary art by artists such as Maria Friberg, Elisabeth Henriksson and Tori Wrånes.
This richly illustrated publication has been created in connection with the comprehensive exhibition Trollbunden - John Bauer and the magical nature, which will be shown at Prins Eugen's Waldemarsudde in autumn 2020 and winter 2021. A number of distinguished experts in art, literature and ethnology provide interesting  perspectives on folk beliefs and essence in Nordic art, legends and fairy tales and on the visualization of an animated nature then and now.

Art / Arte / Artist / Book / Catalog / Catalogo / Catalogue / Libro / Livre / Pittura Svedese / Scandinavia / Storia / Sverige / Sweden / Swedish Art  

Swedish Painter

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Spedizione: Raccomandata / Pacco Ordinario / Celere / Corriere
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