WARNING!!!!! This service is only for the Super License which is the last part of all licenses, if you haven't done the previous 4 licenses please access the link below.


Important Information:

We do not sell a Physical Item, Digital Code or a Digital Download.

All activity is done by me, playing on your PSN.

We help people who don't have time to play and need to complete in-game activities.

100% Positive Feedback!

Fully secure and personalized service.

Full availability - Recovery activities will be done outside the hours you usually play so as not to interfere with your gameplay.

All communication update will be on eBay chat or Discord.

You are buying Gran Turismo 7 - Only the Regular Super Licence - All Gold Thophies - Trophy Boost , it will be the fastest, most stress-free and safe opportunity to get it done!

Other Recovery Services:

We have several other types of recovery/boost services.

***Send us a message telling us what you need and we'll agree a fair price for each recovery***