The box contains 3 bags to make 3 times 3 liters of kvass
origin lithuania.

The kvass, kvass, kwas or kwass (in Polish: kwas chlebowy, in Russian and Ukrainian: квас, in Lithuanian: gira, in Estonian: kali, means "leaven") is a fermented and sparkling drink, slightly alcoholic, popular in Russia , Ukraine, Belarus, Kazakhstan and other Central and Eastern European countries. In Russia, it is also called khlebnoïe pivo, that is "bread beer". In the Middle Ages, it was a very common drink throughout Europe.
Kvass has been a national drink in Russia since the sixteenth century. It can be homemade or produced commercially (since the nineteenth century). It is widely consumed in Ukraine, where in almost every city there are vendors of kvass on the street.

The kvass recipe was introduced in China in the nineteenth century by the Russians. In 1900, Ivan Tchourine, one of the most influential merchants in the Russian Far East, created the first kvass factory in Harbin. Although the recipe and preparation have changed, the consumption of this drink was maintained during the twentieth century, but its popularity did not extend beyond the north-east of China. Everything changed in 2009, when the Chinese company Qiulin Foods increased the production of kvass up to twenty thousand tons per year1.

The kvass is made by the natural fermentation2 of bread made with wheat, rye or barley, and it is often perfumed with fruits (strawberry, apple, lemon ...), berries (cranberry) mint or grape.

Rye malt, Barley malt, Water, Hop extract

Method for preparing kvass:
Pour into a clean jar 3 liters of boiled water t = 25°C - 30°C. Add kvass wort from 1 sachet and 150 grams of sugar. All mix.
Carefully pour into the jar a yeast of 1 sachet.
Сover the jar with a clean towel.
Put in a warm place (
t = 20°C - 24°C) for 24 hours.

Tips for Making and Serving Kvass :
To improve the taste, you can add the raisins in the preparation of kvass.
Kvass is best served chilled in hot weather.